Hang Xiao : Department of Food Science - UMass Amherst
My research is focused on identifying and characterizing food components that can modify human health positively or negatively, elucidating their molecular mechanisms, investigating possible …
Hang Xiao - Center for Agriculture, Food, and the Environment
My research is focused on identifying potential disease preventive dietary components (nutraceuticals), elucidating their molecular mechanisms, investigating possible synergistic …
Hang Xiao - Google Scholar
Establishing the factors impacting the gastrointestinal fate and toxicity of organic and inorganic food-grade nanoparticles. GX Li, YK Chen, Z Hou, H Xiao, H Jin, G Lu, MJ Lee, B Liu, F …
Hang XIAO | Professor (Associate) | PhD - ResearchGate
Hang XIAO, Professor (Associate) | Cited by 19,313 | of University of Massachusetts Amherst, MA (UMass Amherst) | Read 463 publications | Contact Hang XIAO
Hang Xiao | Institute for Applied Life Sciences - UMass Amherst
My research is focused on identifying and characterizing potential disease preventive dietary components (nutraceuticals), elucidating their molecular mechanisms, investigating possible …
Hang XIAO - Lingnan Scholars
I build tools to empower AI to design new materials with desired properties. e.g. SLICES: "SMILES" for crystals. https://github.com/xiaohang007/SLICES. In 2015, UN member states …
Hang Xiao : Molecular & Cellular Biology : UMass Amherst
Professor Xiao specializes in Cancer Preventative Dietary Components, and Diet-based strategies for cancer prevention
肖航课题组 Xiao Research Group: Home
2024年8月8日 · 肖航 Hang Xiao . 助理教授 Assistant Professor. 研究生 Graduate Students . 张碧竹 Bizhu Zhang . 吴克登 Kedeng Wu . 虚位以待 We need you! 合作者 Collaborators . 陈曦 [ …
Hang XIAO | Professor (Associate) | PhD - ResearchGate
Hang XIAO, Professor (Associate) | Cited by 14,722 | of University of Massachusetts Amherst, MA (UMass Amherst) | Read 369 publications | Contact Hang XIAO
Hang Xiao (肖航) - Google Scholar
Hang Xiao (肖航) Assistant Professor, School of Interdisciplinary Studies, Lingnan University. ... H Xiao, X Shi, Y Zhang, X Liao, F Hao, KS Lackner, X Chen. Physical Chemistry Chemical …