Hang Xiao : Department of Food Science - UMass Amherst
My research is focused on identifying and characterizing food components that can modify human health positively or negatively, elucidating their molecular mechanisms, investigating possible interactions among these food components, and modifying biological activities and bioavailability of food components by food processing and nanotechnology w...
Hang Xiao - Center for Agriculture, Food, and the Environment
My research is focused on identifying potential disease preventive dietary components (nutraceuticals), elucidating their molecular mechanisms, investigating possible synergistic …
Hang Xiao - Google Scholar
Establishing the factors impacting the gastrointestinal fate and toxicity of organic and inorganic food-grade nanoparticles. GX Li, YK Chen, Z Hou, H Xiao, H Jin, G Lu, MJ Lee, B Liu, F Guan, ......
Hang XIAO | Professor (Associate) | PhD - ResearchGate
Hang XIAO, Professor (Associate) | Cited by 19,313 | of University of Massachusetts Amherst, MA (UMass Amherst) | Read 463 publications | Contact Hang XIAO
Hang Xiao | Institute for Applied Life Sciences - UMass Amherst
My research is focused on identifying and characterizing potential disease preventive dietary components (nutraceuticals), elucidating their molecular mechanisms, investigating possible synergistic interactions among these dietary components, enhancing biological activities and bioavailability of dietary components by food processing and nanotec...
Hang XIAO - Lingnan Scholars
I build tools to empower AI to design new materials with desired properties. e.g. SLICES: "SMILES" for crystals. https://github.com/xiaohang007/SLICES. In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all.
Hang Xiao : Molecular & Cellular Biology : UMass Amherst
Professor Xiao specializes in Cancer Preventative Dietary Components, and Diet-based strategies for cancer prevention
肖航课题组 Xiao Research Group: Home
2024年8月8日 · 肖航 Hang Xiao . 助理教授 Assistant Professor. 研究生 Graduate Students . 张碧竹 Bizhu Zhang . 吴克登 Kedeng Wu . 虚位以待 We need you! 合作者 Collaborators . 陈曦 [导师] Xi Chen [Advisor] 时笑阳 Xiaoyang Shi 廖湘标 Xiangbiao Liao 朱亮亮 Liangliang Zhu ...
Hang XIAO | Professor (Associate) | PhD - ResearchGate
Hang XIAO, Professor (Associate) | Cited by 14,722 | of University of Massachusetts Amherst, MA (UMass Amherst) | Read 369 publications | Contact Hang XIAO
Hang Xiao (肖航) - Google Scholar
Hang Xiao (肖航) Assistant Professor, School of Interdisciplinary Studies, Lingnan University. ... H Xiao, X Shi, Y Zhang, X Liao, F Hao, KS Lackner, X Chen. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2017. 33: 2017: Hydrogen separation by porous phosphorene: A periodical DFT study.