Hanged King - Villains Wiki
The Hanged King is based on the various incarnations of Hastur, especially the one from Robert W. Chambers' The King in Yellow. However, the Hanged King coming back to life after three days could also be a parallel to Jesus Christ .
SCP-701 - SCP Foundation
2024年9月30日 · Description: SCP-701, The Hanged King's Tragedy, is a Caroline-era revenge tragedy in five acts. Performances of the play are associated with sudden psychotic and suicidal behavior among both observers and participants, as well as the manifestation of a mysterious figure, classified as SCP-701-1.
缢王 - 百度百科
缢王(The Hanged King)是一位虚拟角色。 在多份以所有表演者之死结尾的戏剧作品中被引用的异常实体。 似乎是外位面城市阿拉卡达的统治者,唯一幸存的目击者将其描述为"神明形状的空洞"。
SCP-701 - 百度百科
SCP-701「缢王悲歌」是网络共笔怪谈文学《SCP基金会》系列中虚构的一个剧本。 一部名为《缢王悲歌》的戏剧,一种以舞台戏剧形式表现的 模因 性现象,会造成未知实体在表演中异常显现等异常效应,并使演员和观众做出暴力行为。 所有与SCP-701有关的材料都须保管在存储Site- 的一个三重上锁的档案室内。 这些物品目前包括:两(2)份1640四开本的现存副本;二十七(27)份1965贸易平装版;十(10)份1971精装版;二十一(21)张软盘,内含突袭 [删除]时得到的 …
Hanged King | SCP Database Wiki | Fandom
The Hanged King, classified as SCP-2264-5 and SCP-2732-2-A by the SCP Foundation, is an immeasurably powerful ontokinetic being that serves as the King of Alagadda, an extradimensional city connected to countless universes. He is stated to serve the Scarlet King as one of his generals in his...
The Hanged King's Comedy - SCP Foundation
The Hanged King's Comedy. The spiteful's torment shall permit Glom of power whence the worlds split. And black stars hate without relent; The King's pernicious game is spent. Failed usurper ten trillion times, Fueled by those two who sinned no crimes. So now my reign stands to begin, Anguish, the court of strife and sin. Existence within my ...
縊王:介紹,性格,外觀,能力,經歷,背叛、死亡與復活,蛇說,阿拉卡達,縊 …
縊王(The Hanged King)是網路新怪談《SCP基金會》系列中的一位角色,阿拉卡達迷城(SCP-2264)的統治者,多元宇宙之中的強大實體之一。 我們的君主在他的王座上蠕動扭曲, 在他的權柄前,我們贖罪獻祭, 所奉之物,乃為鮮血;所侍之人,名號縊王, 如此便可在他的傀儡提線上極樂窒息。 ——《縊王宮廷里的一位魔杖人》 最初於 SCP-701 中出現,那時的縊王像是一個在古代被絞死的國王,而他的靈魂附在劇本上對這個世界進行復仇。
SCP-701 | SCP Database Wiki | Fandom
The Hanged King's Tragedy, classified as SCP-701, is a Caroline-era revenge tragedy depicting the murder of the Hanged King of Alagadda. The performance of the play causes homicidal and suicidal tendencies in the cast and audience, culminating in …
Hanged King | Monster Wiki - Fandom
The Hanged King was once the ruler of the city-state of Alagadda, where he governed as a corrupt tyrant, suppressing and exploiting monarch. He indulged himself in base pleasures and possibly practiced ancient, dark magic from the abyss.
Hanged King - SCPOneCanonProject Wiki
The Hanged King is an entity who rules the city-state of Alagadda; which although once located on Earth, now exists in a separate dimension. While human, the king ruled as a tyrant, eventually causing his subjects to rise up against him and execute him by …