Hankou - Wikipedia
Hankou, alternately romanized as Hankow (simplified Chinese: 汉口; traditional Chinese: 漢口; pinyin: Hànkǒu), was one of the three towns (the other two were Wuchang and Hanyang) merged to become modern-day Wuhan city, the capital of the Hubei province, China. It stands north of the Han and Yangtze Rivers where the Han flows into the Yangtze.
20余年来,作为总部设在武汉、具有独立法人资格的区域性股份制商业银行,汉口银行始终坚持躬身入局,挺膺担当,以自身高质量发展积极助... 【详情】 可转让个人大... 九通借记卡•... 专利权质押融... 应收账款质押... 法人一户通智... 信用卡分期业... 九通信用卡大...
Hankou | Wuhan, Yangtze River, Trade Hub | Britannica
Hankou, large urban area and river port, east-central Hubei sheng (province), central China. Located on the left bank of the Han River at its confluence with the Yangtze River (Chang Jiang), it is the largest of the three former cities (the other two being Hanyang and Wuchang) now constituting the Wuhan conurbation.
A Shared History of Hankou | Virtual Wuhan/Hankou
2016年2月17日 · Virtual Hankou is a research platform on the history of Hankou from the nineteenth century to the present day. It aims at collecting different types of documents: scholarly papers, archival documents, photographs and maps.
Wuhan/Hankou – Travel guide at Wikivoyage
Hankou (汉口) is in the western part of the city of Wuhan. This article includes all three administrative districts that were once part of the historic city of Hankou, namely the districts of Jiang'an (江岸区), Jianghan (江汉区) and Qiaokou (硚口区).
汉口市 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
汉口市,通称 汉口 (邮政式拼音: Hankow[1]; 汉语拼音: Hankou),简称“ 汉 ”,是 中华民国 在 两岸分治 前所设置的12 直辖市 之一,亦是 中部地区 4个直辖市之一;因为居水陆运输交会点,是当时最大内陆商埠。 民国15年9月,设武汉特别市。 民国18年6月改为汉口特别市,直隶于 行政院。 民国19年7月改为省辖市,直隶于 湖北省政府。 民国29年(1940年)10月3日, 汪精卫政权 设立汉口特别市。 民国32年(1943年)10月19日,汪精卫政权合并汉口市入湖北省。 民 …
The British Concession and the First Years of the Treaty Port · Hankou …
Despite relying on the British concession for land and housing, many of the Russian residents of Hankou resented the British dominance on capital and in the movement of tea out of Hankou, a grievance which would later justify the Russian concession.
hankou - 百度百科
hankou,英语单词,主要用作名词,作名词时译为“汉口(湖北省地名,旧译Hankow)”。 [1] Where are Hankou, Hanyang and Wuchang? 汉口、汉阳和武昌在哪儿? Wang Yiting, a single girl in Hankou, will sell her "Single's Day" which falls today at a price ranging from RMB3000-5000. 日前,汉口单身美女王艺婷愿意以3000-5000元拍卖自己在光棍节的"同游权"。
中原地產提供尖沙咀漢口中心的市場資訊,包括近期實用/建築呎價、叫價、成交宗數等。 客戶亦可了解到漢口中心附近的公共交通、學校資訊、人口普查資料等,在準備置業前詳細了解漢口中心的環境。