GitHub - iCMDdev/HanoiBot: A Hanoi-solving robot arm, …
HanoiBot is a robot that can solve Hanoi Puzzles. It is a robot arm powered by four MG996R servos, driven by a Raspberry Pi Pico H. The robot's code was written in MicroPython, and the Inverse Kinematics interface was maden using Processing.
T-K-233/Arduino-Hanoi-Robot - GitHub
A robot that solves the Tower of Hanoi using 2 stepper motors and penumatics. It's pretty fast, really.
asierzd/HanoiTowersABBRobot - GitHub
Implementation of a solution to the Hanoi Towers Problem using an ABB robot (IRB120_3_58) and programmed in RAPID language using recursion, for the robot programming subject of my robotics MSc.
embedded system named as Hanoi+ which is implemented to operate via smart phone over Bluetooth communications. The functionalities of Hanoi+ are based on Natural Algorithm. In practical state this robot is capable to provide solution for multiple towers and multiple disks problem by using
Analysis of Trajectory Optimization for Solving Tower of Hanoi …
2023年7月17日 · This paper presents implementation and analysis of three different trajectories of an industrial manipulator for solving the Tower of Hanoi problem. ABB's robot IRB120 was simulated in...
Modeling and Simulation of a Tower-of-Hanoi-Playing Robot
2022年3月16日 · In this research, a virtual robot station was designed to solve the Tower of Hanoi puzzle. The robot station was mainly consisted of the robot control system, the robot, the smart disk generator and the smart gripper. The algorithm was discussed and the critical functions were implemented in the RAPID programing language.
China’s Dobot humanoid robot shows off solo breakfast-making …
Editor-in-Chief: Pham Van Hieu. Email: [email protected] Tel: 028 7300 9999 - Ext 8556 FPT Tower, 10 Pham Van Bach Street, Dich Vong Ward, Cau Giay District, Hanoi, Vietnam
Robot dạng người thông minh “made in Việt Nam”
2023年5月8日 · (HNM) - Tiến sĩ Ngô Mạnh Tiến và cộng sự tại Viện Vật lý (Viện Hàn lâm Khoa học và Công nghệ Việt Nam) vừa nghiên cứu, chế tạo thành công robot dạng người thông minh IVASTBot. Sáng chế này mở ra những hướng nghiên cứu, ứng dụng robot trong giao tiếp, phục vụ …
How to Make a Robot That Can Play Tower of Hanoi
This instructable, How to make a robot that can play Tower of Hanoi, will show you the step-by-step instructions of the new Tower of Hanoi Robot. Now let's have some fun! Step 1: Materials List
Van-Truong Nguyen's lab | Hanoi University of Industry (HAUI)
His current research interests include robotics, mobile robots, AI, intelligent control systems, and computer vision applications.
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