Hant Jo | RangerWiki | Fandom
Hant Jo (城 範人, Jō Hanto) is Go-On Green (ゴーオングリーン, Gōon Gurīn) of the Go-Ongers. Nicknamed the "Vagabond" for his carefree life and clumsy attitude, he was formerly a pizza deliverer before joining the Go-Ongers. He's a light-hearted, almost childish pizza boy from Doki Doki (heart-pounding...
Sour and Sweet to the Point of Burning | Kamen Rider Wiki | Fandom
3 天之前 · Sour and Sweet to the Point of Burning (酸いも甘いも焦がす程, Sui mo Amai mo Kogasu Hodo) is the twenty-seventh episode of Kamen Rider Gavv. It features the debut of Kamen Rider Bake. Shoma and Sachika find Hanto lying on the ground. Shoma leaves Hanto in the care of Dente and goes alone to Suga's laboratory to ask him what he has done to Hanto.
辛木田绊斗 - 萌娘百科 万物皆可萌的百科全书
辛木田绊斗 是由 石之森章太郎 原作的特摄剧《假面骑士Gavv》及其衍生作品的登场角色, 假面骑士Valen 的变身者。 一边作为自由撰稿人追踪刑事案件和八卦新闻,一边独自收集 砂糖人 信息的青年,是那种无所畏惧冲进危险现场的莽撞类型。 当他亲眼目睹到一些令人心跳加速却难言愉快的真相后,他也投身于和砂糖人的战斗中。 绊斗从小由母亲早惠抚养长大,后来母亲被砂糖人所害。 失去母亲的绊斗又在奶奶的照顾下生活,直至奶奶也逝世。 高中时,绊斗成为了一名不良少 …
Soji Shioya | Kamen Rider Wiki | Fandom
Soji Shioya (塩谷 壮士, Shioya Sōji) was a freelance writer and Hanto Karakida's mentor. Soji met Hanto when he was in secondary school, being a delinquent. When they first met, Soji records the fight between Hanto and other delinquents, expressing the …
Jotta A (@jottaa.ho) • Instagram photos and videos
Então chegou né minha vida, a data tão esperada do ano🤩 Adoraria poder te abraçar agora🥺 Mais em fim. Parabéns @jottaa Deus te abençoe, ilumine seus caminhos, te livre de toda inveja, te desejo tudo de bom, todo sucesso do mundo meu gato Espero que vc possa comemorar esse dia mais que especial, ao lado das pessoas que te amam, e felicidades Bjs🥳
Karakida Hanto - NamuWiki
2024年12月11日 · Seeing Shioya's true journalistic spirit, he became his mentor. However, in episode 6, he was discovered by Hanto in the form of a broken and dead body in a hitoppressed state, which served as an opportunity for him to awaken as Kamen Rider Valen for revenge.
Ex-cantora gospel Jotta A: 'Abri mão de carreira no auge ... - YouTube
Jotta A olhou para si e decidiu que não queria mais viver daquela forma. A cantora de 24 anos, que alterou seus documentos para o gênero feminino, conta em entrevista à BBC que sempre se...
Hant Jou | Super Hero All Stars Wiki | Fandom
Hant Jou (城 範人, Jō Hanto?) is Go-On Green (ゴーオングリーン, Gōon Gurīn?) of the Go-Ongers. Nicknamed the "Vagabond," he's a light-hearted, almost childish pizza boy from Doki Doki (heart-pounding) Pizzeria who saw the Go-Ongers unmorph until Gunpei Ishihara's...
Lee Jong-hwa (actor) - Wikipedia
Lee Jong-hwa (born February 15, 1994), also known as Jota, is a South Korean actor, singer and model. He is a former member of South Korean boy group Madtown. [1] In high school, Lee planned to become a professional judo competitor. However, an ankle injury ended that dream and he decided to pursue a career in entertainment instead. [2]
Hato Joestar (@hatojoestar) • Instagram photos and videos
120K Followers, 1,014 Following, 449 Posts - Hato Joestar (@hatojoestar) on Instagram: " Cosplayer/Streamer/Doblaje [email protected] GDL Agenda de eventos 2025: DISPONIBLE "