Introducing Hanzi Grids - A tool for creating printable worksheets …
2012年1月9日 · The more recent your browser, the faster Hanzi Grids will run. Firefox 3.0 and Internet Explorer 8.0 are probably about as low as you can go and still be reasonably usable (albeit a bit sluggish).
Introducing Hanzi Grids - A tool for creating ... - Chinese-Forums
2012年1月9日 · Subscribed yesterday. Been using the tool for a few days and really enjoying it. I like it because it focuses on doing one thing - printing out hanzi grids! - and does it fast and efficiently. I also like how much customisation you've built into it. Great work. I've recommended the tool on my Twitter account (@carlfordham). Cheers!
Introducing Hanzi Grids - A tool for creating printable worksheets …
2012年1月9日 · There are 2 solutions to this, 1) you can manually delete the empty lines at the end of the text or 2) you can click the 'ignore whitespace' checkbox and Hanzi Grids will ignore empty lines (and any other spaces in the text, but there are no others in your text so in this case it will just be ignoring the empty lines at the end).
Introducing Hanzi Grids - A tool for creating printable worksheets …
2012年1月9日 · Hanzi Grids should be back online now. If you're still seeing a white page, it means your computer and/or your ISPs DNS cache hasn't been updated yet, but that should happen automatically over the next few hours. There might still be a few teething problems on the new host, so if you come across any issues, be sure to let me know.
Hanzi Grids in Anki - Reading and Writing Skills - Chinese-Forums
2014年11月27日 · What always bothered me was the lack of a "Hanzi"-box so it was hard to properly position and scale the hanzi. So I copy-pasted some code from the internet and ended up with the following: This is an image from the desktop version (front + back-side of the card), which translates nicely to the ankidroid version.
Hanzi Grids and Extra Fonts - Resources for Studying Chinese
2012年1月13日 · I'm currently talking with a font foundry regarding licensing a couple of their fonts for embedding in the PDFs generated by Hanzi Grids. Ones I am currently considering are: 方正硬笔楷书 方正硬笔行书 and maybe something like 方正大草. (feel free to have a look at their other fonts and suggest any more that you ...
Character size - Chinese Characters - Chinese-Forums
2014年9月15日 · I'm not familiar with Hanzi Grids, so I don't know what size grid is used. I generated my own grid paper before based on what I remember from school. The grid size for lower elementary was roughly 1.5 cm by 1.5 cm. Then in upper elementary the grids were roughly 1 cm by 1 cm. If you want to see examples, I have a blog post with the grid paper ...
A Short List of Resources for Studying Chinese
2016年7月12日 · I can't find the exactly same thing on arch chinese as Hanzi Grids does. Hanzi grids is a dedicated, simple to use, value for money way of printing out character practice sheets. Arch chinese does do a lot but you also have to pay a subscription, Hanzi grids is a small one off payment. If you just want to print practice sheets I prefer Hanzi Grids.
Inkstone: my free, open-source Chinese writing app
2016年9月3日 · I agree that it isn't realistic writing so large, but I wouldn't use only this to practise writing, I use Hanzi Grids to practice actual pen and paper writing for example, but I find this helps with memorization of characters and especially stroke order. I must say thank you for putting in the effort . This will be a big help for many people.
Introducing Hanzi Grids - A tool for creating printable worksheets …
2012年1月9日 · Introducing Hanzi Grids - A tool for creating printable worksheets for handwriting practice ...