汉字屋 - 汉字笔顺笔画查询
汉字笔顺(笔画顺序)查询 汉字规范书写动画演示 - 汉字皮
Từ điển Trung - Anh, Trung - Việt Online
Hanzii - a free Chinese learning website and a traditional & simplified Chinese dictionary. Look up words easily with radicals, handwriting, and camera.
笔顺网 | 汉字笔顺查询 中文笔顺动画演示
Read and write Chinese characters - 读写汉字 - 学中文
Enter Pinyin (with or without tones), English words, Chinese characters (simplified or traditional), or a combination of English, Pinyin or Chinese, into the search box. Add an asterisk within a search as a placeholder for any unsure or unknown terms.
Chinese Stroke Order Dictionary - StrokeOrder.com
Learn how to write Chinese characters with stroke order animations. Type your hanzi (Chinese character) in the search (You can also paste it), the animated stroke order can be played automatically. We support online handwritten recognition for querying Chinese characters.
汉字笔顺一览 - 汉字屋
汉字笔画、笔顺、笔划 - 汉字怎么写?
公元8年王莽代汉称帝,国号新(8—23)。 自刘邦称汉王起,包括“新”,史称前汉或西汉。 公元25年刘秀重建汉朝,建都洛阳,史称后汉或东汉。 为曹魏所灭。 西汉、东汉合称两汉。 2.三 …
您可以高效搜索汉字的笔画、笔顺、词组、词义。 内置图像识别功能,可以识别图片中的汉字进行学习。 您可以将课本中的汉字进行学习,并记录笔记。 您可以收藏喜欢的汉字,方便查看。 …
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