HAR9F | Ethicon
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The HARMONIC FOCUS+ is an ultrasonic advanced energy device designed to effectively deliver energy in open procedures with it curved, fine tip and slim profile. The HARMONIC FOCUS+ Shears with Adaptive Tissue Technology are indicated for soft tissue incisions when bleeding control and minimal thermal injury are desired.
Laparoscopic Shears Harmonic Focus®+ - McKesson Medical-Surgical
HAR9F: Brand: Harmonic Focus®+ Manufacturer: J & J Healthcare Systems: Country of Origin: Unknown: Application: Laparoscopic Shears: UNSPSC Code: 42291613: Features. Curved, tapered tip, enables dissection Ergonomic, symmetrical finger rings maximize comfort and versatility while providing balance to help minimize fatigue
HAR9F utilizes ultrasonic energy to cut and coagulate soft tissue and seal vessels up to 5mm in diameter. The key features of this device are a curved, tapered tip designed for precise grasping, cutting and sealing, and the addition of Ethicon’s pr.
美国强生ETHICON HAR9F超声高频外科集成系统超声刀头【参数
产品代码: har9f. 当在狭小空间或关键结构附近运行时,精确的能量传输变得至关重要。harmonic focus+ 是一款先进的超声波能量设备,具有弯曲、细尖和纤薄的外形,旨在在开放式手术中有效地传递能量
美国爱惜康ETHICON新款超声甲状腺刀头HAR9F - hkpromed.com
美国强生ETHICON甲乳手术专用超声刀头HAR9F - Tengrant
美国强生ethicon甲乳手术专用超声刀头har9f. 具有自适应组织技术的harmonic focus®+剪刀是今天头颈外科的新标准,能够在头颈部手术中进行微小切割和密封5mm以下的血管. 购买热线:+86-021-5428 6005 立即询价
ETHICON HAR9F HARMONIC FOCUS™ Shears,9cm_Tengrant Ltd.
The HARMONIC FOCUS+ is an ultrasonic advanced energy device designed to effectively deliver energy in open procedures with it curved, fine tip and slim profile. The curved, tapered tip allows for precision and speed when transecting tissue in head and neck procedures. 3.
强生ETHICON超声高频外科集成系统超声刀头_HAR9F_价格/说明/ …
所属品牌:美国强生 ethicon俗称:har9f 中文标签名称:超声高频外科集成系统超声刀头 结构与组成:超声高频外科集成系统超声刀头包含一个软质剪刀手杨夹持套组件以及两个手控按钮:MIN(小设置小功率级别。
Ethicon HAR9F - SHEARS, HARMONIC FOCUS, ATT, 9CM, CURVED, 6/BX. Jaw and curved blade are uniquely designed for precise dissection, sealing and transection. Minimal lateral thermal spread for dissection near vital structures. Harmonic Technology allows multiple jobs to be performed with one instrument. Transec
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