grammaticality - Which is correct: "has died" or "died"? - English ...
2012年4月5日 · • Malcolm X has just been assassinated. This, coupled with the prohibition on the use of Present Perfect with subjects who are dead. Madonna has visited Chicago. *Einstein has visited Chicago. means that X has died is only appropriate in a context in which the speaker believes that the addressee would not yet know that X is dead.
Which is better: "was dead" / "died" / "has passed away" in my case?
[This assumes of course, that other assaults on linguistic purity has not already made the book's lovers bald from frustration. I digress.] On pages 18-19 Strunk and White compare two sentences: (1) "There were a great number of dead leaves covering the ground," and (2) "Dead leaves covered the ground."
grammar - Why is it "has/have died age XX"? - English Language …
2018年4月22日 · If the Elvis in question died some time ago, your phrasing is a better way to put it than the original. The phrasing of the original sentence you quote (particularly "age 79" in that context) sounds distinctly American to my ear; not being from the USA I'd have used the "has" phrasing slightly differently ("Elvis has died at the age of 79" or ...
meaning - "is gone" vs "has gone" and death - English Language …
2016年9月2日 · You only use has/have or had when using he Present Perfect Tense [has, have] or Past Perfect Tense [had]. He has gone. = the verb phrase "has gone" is in the Present Perfect to express an action (his dying) at no definite time in the past. When you say, "He has gone." you are referring to the fact he died some time ago (in the past).
What is a respectful way to refer to a person who has died?
2011年2月2日 · I think the only respectful way to refer to a person who has died is when we do not talk about body but we talk about person's ideas, love, theories which has made impact in our lives. Only body dies, not the person's contribution to the world. That is why a "respectful way" is needed as an expression of thanks.
is or has deceased - WordReference Forums
2021年2月22日 · There is nothing disrespectful about using "died". It is easily the most common verb to refer to death in Britain, although it seems AmE speakers tend to avoid it in social settings, preferring "passed" instead (the BrE equivalent is "passed away", which is common enough but not nearly as common as "died").
is dead/has died - WordReference Forums
2008年5月20日 · There is little difference between the two, although it'd be incorrect to say "my cat has died" a while after the incident. So the latter implies some recency. "My cat died," and, "My cat is dead," are interchangable though. It's generally better to avoid using a "to be" verb if you can though (unless you're doing it for the sake of style.)
For a deceased person, do we use 'the late' or 'late'?
2018年9月3日 · It is not normally used distinctively - that is it is not used to distinguish between one person and another. So you would not say the late George Bush to distinguish between the one who has died and his son (who is still alive and is also George Bush). It is also not used predicatively in UK or US English, so you cannot say Mr Bush is late ...
Indicating someone is deceased in a list of names
2017年6月1日 · A family has a child.They adopt a girl as well.If one of the children becomes #1 in a women's race, what is the probability of the girl being adopted? Attempted overcharging via merging pair of charged black holes
have or had died | WordReference Forums
2019年4月30日 · Otherwise “had died” could be used: “It was reported people had died”. 1) is okay. As someone has expressed already, this phrasing has it reported as a kind of universal truth that people die while exploring the desert, and this is expected to continue to be true. 4) It was reported that in 2018 people died while exploring the desert.