Haz vs. Has | Compare Spanish Words - SpanishDictionary.com
"Haz" is a form of "haz", a noun which is often translated as "bundle". "Has" is a form of "haber" , an auxiliary verb which is often translated as "to have" . Learn more about the difference between "haz" and "has" below.
¿Cómo se escribe, has o haz? | SpanishDictionary.com Answers
2010年2月27日 · No sé como escribir el verbo estar : has estado o haz estado. 37379 views. updated Feb 27, ...
What is the difference between "has" and "haz"? - SpanishDict
2010年9月15日 · Quisiera saber cual es la diferencia entre las palabras has y haz en la lengua espanola. Gracias. oscar
Haz y haga | SpanishDictionary.com Answers
2012年1月8日 · Haz is the tú command form and haga is the usted command form. Also, don't forget haga has an additional use, which is the third person singular form of "hacer" in the present subjunctive updated Jan 8, 2012
Has o haz | Spanish Translator
Translate Has o haz. See Spanish-English translations with audio pronunciations, examples, and word-by-word explanations.
Haz Conjugation | Conjugate Hacer in Spanish
Haz is a conjugated form of the verb hacer. Learn to conjugate hacer. ... has h ech o. hubiste h ech o ...
Haz vs. Has ido | Compare Spanish Words - SpanishDictionary.com
What is the difference between haz and has ido? Compare and contrast the definitions and English translations of haz and has ido on SpanishDictionary.com, the world's most accurate Spanish-English reference website.
as, has, haz | SpanishDictionary.com Answers
2013年10月24日 · Ejemplo: Haz lo que te dice o te arrepentirás. Porción atada de mieses, lino, hierbas, leña u otras cosas semejantes. Ejemplo: Mi padre fue al bosque a por un haz de leña. Conjunto de partículas o rayos luminosos de un mismo origen, que se propagan sin dispersión. Ejemplo: Por la ventana se cuela un haz de luz. Cara o rostro.
Haz | Spanish to English Translation - SpanishDictionary.com
Translate Haz. See 6 authoritative translations of Haz in English with example sentences, phrases and audio pronunciations.
Has o haz trabajado | Spanish Translator
Translate Has o haz trabajado. See Spanish-English translations with audio pronunciations, examples, and word-by-word explanations.