HASCO America, Inc. Suppliers Showroom - MoldMaking …
Supplying moldmaking with standard mold bases, plates, components, and hot runners. Ever since the modular standard component system was invented and patented in 1960 by HASCO, we have been the leader for standardization in modern moldmaking.
HASCO is a comprehensive automotive parts system integration supplier providing advanced technologies, reliable products and high-quality services to major OEMs worldwide for more than 30 years, covering 40+ business fields.
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Hasco品牌介绍_Hasco产品采购/价格查询-立创商城 - SZLCSC.COM
立创商城提供Hasco品牌28条产品供应信息,包括功率继电器、汽车继电器、信号继电器、磁保持继电器等产品, 购买正品Hasco产品上立创商城。 您好,请 登录 免费注册
HASCO Components Resource Center - HASCO
From Spec Sheets to Studies, our Technical Articles provide useful information to help answer your questions. View our available Technical Articles and download the PDF for free. All documents are provided in .PDF format. If you do not have Adobe Acrobat reader,click this link to download a free copy.
Z-Standards Catalog - HASCO - PDF Catalogs - DirectIndustry
Consult HASCO's entire Z-Standards Catalog catalogue on DirectIndustry. Page: 1/668
The HASCO square guide bar Z 071/. . . combined with the guide retainer Z 072 /. . . sets new standards in precision. It guides and centres injection and pressure moulding tools reliably with minimal tolerances. The square guide bar and guide retainer are available with and without coatings. Special Features – Easy maintenance thanks to simple
- [PDF]
1.2085 - HASCO
Corrosion-resistant, pre-hardened mould steel with high strength. Good machinability and high strength without subsequent heat treatment. Cavity and frame plates in injection moulding and die-casting tools. Further applications in mould design for metal and plastics processing, where corrosion resistance is required due to aggressive.
The HASCO K 3500 /...quick-change Mould System has been especially de-veloped for the economic production of samples, prototypes and small series. It consists of the mould changing unit K 3500 /...and the matching mould in-serts K 3501/...and K 3520 /... . The inserts are exchangeable accor-ding to the HASCO modular system. Special Features
Metalworking Coolants Archives - Hasco Oil
Hasco Precision 2615 is a semi-synthetic metalworking fluid that can be used in operations such as turning, milling and grinding. For machining, use 2615 at 5 - 8%, for grinding 2 - 4%. 2615 mixes easily with hard and soft water and contains polar lubricants that increase affinity for surfaces, improving tool life and surface finish.