Z061/d1 Locating unit, round. Catalogue page . PDF 164,4KB. To the media library . Selection of the products dimensions. d1. Remove all filters. h2 . t3 . a2 . a1 . l5 . l3 . d4 . d3 . d2 . ... Subscribe to the HASCO newsletter now and stay up to date, this newsletter informs you about new product solutions, customer events and important news ...
1.64 HASCO Z31/... Z061/... Z055/... Z055/... Verschraubung Rückseite Screwed on from rear Vissage de l’arrière Verschraubung Trennebene Screwed on from parting plane
精定位Z061/42 Z061/54 Z061/80 Z081/30德式HASCO圆锁Z061 …
【一】模具冷却运水配件:快速接头、快速水咀、喉塞、隔水片、运水管、油温接头; ----以上产品的规格兼容国际品牌HASCO【哈斯高】、D-M-E、MISUMI【米思米】、NITTON【日东】、STAUBLI【史陶比尔】、EOC、PCS、CUMSA【康索】、DMS、TEMA【特马】、RECTUS、SUPERIOR、STRACK等模具配件标准,适用於出口模具上使用。 【二】液压气动配件:省力气动快速接头、多管路空压快速接头、大流量快速接头、中高压快速接头、液压转换接头; 副 …
HASCO标准Z061/30 Z061/42 Z061/54 Z061/84 定位柱圆形对锁
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Z061/d1 Locating unit, round. Catalogue page . pdf 164,4KB. To the media library . To the Material Data sheets . Selection of the products dimensions. d1. ... Subscribe to the HASCO newsletter now and stay up to date, this newsletter informs you about new product solutions, customer events and important news from HASCO ...
HASCO圆形定位柱Z06/30精定位 Z061/30 Z061/42 Z061/54 Z061…
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Locating Unit Round Z061 D1 - plastlist.com
Locating unit round Z061 d1