HAT-8P Author: Habasit knowledge management Subject: HAT-8P Product data sheet Keywords: Habasit,PDF,PDS,Product data sheet,HAT-8P Created Date:
Belt examples: With their high abrasion resistance and constant coeficient of friction, the HAT-8P, HAT-12P, HAT-18PWPD, and HAT-24PWPD are ideal for folding carton and corrugated board processing. For details and additional belt options, please refer to …
コンベアベルトショップ / HAT-8P(FBG-20) - nagoya
耐油性、耐磨耗性、耐カット性に優れた表面NBR粗目模様グリーン色のハバジット製品ベルトとなります。 パイラー用途にも適しており一般搬送用コンベヤベルトとして幅広く使用されております。 同等仕様の厚み違い他ベルトは以下となります。 他社相当品型式は、以下タイプとなります。 もっと詳しい情報はこちらでご覧ください。
Cardboard converting, Paper manufacturing and processing, Paper printing and finishing, Secondary packaging. Paper handling belt, Processing belt. Robustness, Abrasion resistant, Constant coefficient of friction, Forgiving in case of short term shock like overloads, High coefficient of friction surface, Oil resistant, Versatile. Max.
哈伯斯特HabasitHAT-8P高速传动带切纸机带传动带 平面皮带传送 …
【型 号】 :HAT-8P 【技术参数】:1、厚度:2mm. 2、滚轮直径:25mm. 3、定伸强力:12N/mm. 4、允许工作温度:-20-+100度 【产品特点】 :1、永久抗静电. 2、摩擦系数稳定性高. 3、抗化学性
- [PDF]
2010年8月17日 · HAT-8P Product Code: HAT-8P Click here to open Product Data Sheet Product Group: High duty conveyor and processing belts Joining System: Thermofix Important Joining is also possible with other Habasit devices. Machine setting data should be derived from the relevant operating instructions.
HAT-8P - Nylon Conveyor Belts — conveyor-belt.com
The HAT-8P is engineered for exceptional performance and durability. Crafted from a nylon conveyor, this belt features 1 robust layer, with a thickness of 2mm. The color top surface ensures smooth handling of materials, while the color bottom provides stability and grip.
Conveyor Belts - NBR, Paper Processing Belt, Green, HAT-8P …
Shop Conveyor Belts - NBR, Paper Processing Belt, Green, HAT-8P Series from Habasit. MISUMI USA has all of your Flat Belts needs covered, with over 3.8M high quality products and 80 sextillion configurable parts available with fast shipping and low pricing.
Habasit HAT-8P Processing Belt - Update Ltd
Discover the Habasit HAT-8P, a durable 1/2" elastomer-covered belt with high friction and abrasion resistance, perfect for material handling.
所有数据均为标准气候条件下的近似值:23°C/73°F,50%相对湿度 (DIN 50005/ISO 554). 最小皮带轮直径的数值,是根据标准的输送机结构实施了几个代表性的测试。 如有挡板,导条或者使用温度接近本文所述的极限值时,请事先咨询Habasit 获取相关非标应用的数值。 使用使用使用使用/运运运运输方式方式方式方式下降, 水平, 倾斜计算算算算大多数应用无需进行计算。 如果您仍需计算:请咨 …
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