bits (1.3.0) - Haxe
This lib aims to implement binary bit flags in Haxe with unlimited amount of bits per instance. var flags = new bits. Bits (); bits.Bits is implemented as an abstract over Array<Int>. Each item of …
Binary Operators - Haxe - The Cross-platform Toolkit
Haxe guarantees that compound boolean expressions with the same operator are evaluated from left to right but only as far as necessary at run-time. For instance, an expression like A && B will evaluate A first and evaluate B only if the evaluation of A yielded true .
Haxe 4.3.6 - Haxe - The Cross-platform Toolkit
2024年8月7日 · Haxe is an open source toolkit based on a modern, high level, strictly typed programming language.
Haxe - The Cross-platform Toolkit
2024年8月7日 · Haxe can build cross-platform applications targeting JavaScript, C++, C#, Java, JVM, Python, Lua, PHP, Flash, and allows access to each platform's native capabilities. Haxe has its own VMs (HashLink and NekoVM) but can also run in interpreted mode. Code written in Haxe can be compiled to any target Haxe supports.
GitHub - HeapsIO/hxbit: Haxe Binary serialization and network ...
HxBit is a binary serialization and network synchronization library for Haxe. Install through haxelib with haxelib install hxbit and use -lib hxbit to use it. You can serialize objects by implementing the hxbit.Serializable interface. You need to specify which fields you want to serialize by using the @:s metadata: @:s public var name : String;
Tag: bits - Haxe
A list of all projects on Haxelib with the tag "bits" Binary bit flags with unlimited amount of bits.
lua.Bit - Haxe 4.3.5 API
Externs for the "bit" class that is required for Haxe lua
haxe.Int64 - Haxe 4.3.6 API
A cross-platform signed 64-bit integer. Int64 instances can be created from two 32-bit words using Int64.make .
GitHub - hlizard/HaxeManualCN: Haxe 中文手册
偶尔我们会演示 Haxe 代码是如何被生成的,对于这些内容,通常会以 JavaScript 目标平台的输出用作解释。 此外,在本文档中我们定义了一组术语。 主要用于引入一个新的类型或是一个 Haxe 专用术语。
为什么使用Haxe - 知乎 - 知乎专栏