HbA1c for diagnosis and prognosis of gestational diabetes mellitus
HbA1c showed high sensitivity with relatively low specificity for diagnosis of GDM in pregnant women and was a potential predictor of PDM. HbA1c may be able to be used as a simple and …
HbA1c Test as a Tool in the Diagnosis of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus
Our results show that combined HbA1c and OGTT measurements may be useful in diagnosing GDM. Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is a prevalent and potentially serious condition that …
Early Gestational Diabetes Mellitus: Diagnostic Strategies and …
Fasting plasma glucose (FPG), oral glucose tolerance test, and glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) are the commonly employed screening tools in early pregnancy. Observational studies suggest …
Early pregnancy HbA1c as the first screening test for gestational ...
2024年6月24日 · Early pregnancy HbA1c offers a simple screening test for gestational diabetes, allowing those at highest risk to receive early intervention and greatly reduce the need for …
RACGP - Gestational diabetes mellitus
Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is a common condition with risks for mother and baby. Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and obesity are occurring with increasing frequency, and the …
2011年11月29日 · Results: The mean HbA1c value in women with GDM was significantly higher than women without GDM (5.73 0.34% compared to 5.34 0.35%). The area under ROC curve …
The role of first-trimester HbA1c in the early detection of
2022年1月27日 · For all pregnant women, HbA1c and fasting blood glucose (FBG) levels were examined during the first trimester. Then, a GDM screening test was done within 24-28 weeks …
HbA1c Measured in the First Trimester of Pregnancy and the …
2018年8月16日 · HbA1c was significantly higher in GDM cases than controls throughout pregnancy (P < 0.03). Regardless of GDM status, HbA 1c tended to decrease into the second …
Diagnostic accuracy of glycated hemoglobin for gestational diabetes ...
2019年9月25日 · The HbA1c test presents high specificity but low sensitivity regardless of the threshold used to diagnose GDM. These findings point to the usefulness of HbA1c as a rule-in …
The role of first-trimester HbA1c in the early detection of …
We aimed to assess the utility of HbA1c in the early detection of gestational diabetes (GDM) in the first trimester. This prospective study was performed on 700 pregnant women in the …