Hemoglobin A2 - Wikipedia
Hemoglobin A2 (HbA2) is a normal variant of hemoglobin A that consists of two alpha and two delta chains (α 2 δ 2) and is found at low levels in normal human blood. Hemoglobin A2 may be increased in beta thalassemia or in people who are heterozygous for the beta thalassemia gene.
Hemoglobin, alpha 2 - Wikipedia
Hemoglobin, alpha 2[5] also known as HBA2 is a gene that in humans codes for the alpha globin chain of hemoglobin. [6][7] The human alpha globin gene cluster is located on chromosome 16 and spans about 30 kb, including seven alpha like globin genes and pseudogenes: 5'- HBZ - HBZP1 - HBM - HBAP1 - HBA2 - HBA1 - HBQ1 -3'.
HBA2 Gene - GeneCards | HBA Protein | HBA Antibody
Dec 25, 2024 · HBA2 (Hemoglobin Subunit Alpha 2) is a Protein Coding gene. Diseases associated with HBA2 include Hemoglobin H Disease and Alpha-Thalassemia. Among its related pathways are Erythrocytes take up carbon dioxide and release oxygen and …
血红蛋白A2(HbA2) - 百度百科
血红蛋白A2增多见于轻型β 珠蛋白生成障碍性贫血。 不同的血红蛋白的等电点不同,可选择一适合血红蛋白A2的pH缓冲液将其和其他的血红蛋白分开。 可用电泳法。
世界地贫日|地中海贫血科普健康宣教,一篇全懂! - 知乎
如血常规检查红细胞数值偏低,可检查血红蛋白中HbA与HbA2这两种蛋白质的含量。 HbA高是α地贫的表现。 HbA2高是β地贫的典型表现。
血红蛋白亚基α2(HBA2)基因 | MCE - MCE-生物活性分子大师
两条 α 链加上两条 β 链构成 HbA,在正常成人生活中约占总血红蛋白的 97%; alpha 链与 delta 链结合构成 HbA-2,它与 HbF (胎儿血红蛋白) 一起构成成人血红蛋白的剩余 3%。 α 地中海贫血是由每个 α 基因的缺失以及 HBA2 和 HBA1 的缺失引起的;一些非缺失性 α 地中海贫血也有报道。 [RefSeq 提供,2008 年 7 月]
HBA2 hemoglobin subunit alpha 2 [ (human)] - National Center …
Novel point mutation of the alpha2-globin gene (HBA2) and a rare 2.4 kb deletion of the alpha1-globin gene (HBA1), identified in two chinese patients with Hb H disease. In sickle cell anemia, levels of HbA2 appear to be modulated by trans-acting genes that affect HBG expression and perhaps also elements within the beta-globin gene cluster.
HBA2 gene - MedlinePlus
The HBA2 gene provides instructions for making a protein called alpha-globin. This protein is also produced from a nearly identical gene called HBA1. These two alpha-globin genes are located close together in a region of chromosome 16 known as the alpha-globin locus.
HbA2 : biology, clinical relevance and a possible target for ...
HbA2 , a tetramer of α- and δ-globin chains, provides a diagnostic clue to the presence of β-thalassaemia trait. This minor haemoglobin, which forms about 2-3% of the total, has no known physiological role, but has the interesting property of preventing polymerization of …
HbA2偏高是什么意思 - 百度
May 28, 2023 · HbA2是血红蛋白A2的简称,是一种成人血红蛋白,从出生6-12个月开始合成,正常参考范围一般为2.5%-3.5%,通常HbA2偏高可能说明存在β-地中海贫血。 地中海贫血属于与珠蛋白合成障碍相关的溶血性疾病,主要分为α与β两型。