Hexagonal Boron Nitride (h-BN) Crystal | CAS 10043-11-5 - Ossila
Hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN), also known as "white graphene", is available in crystal and film form. Buy online or contact our experts for a quote.
HBN 是由博士後研究員領銜的專業科研團隊打造的護膚品牌,擁有國家級認證實驗室,其護膚功效研究已多次發表於國際權威期刊,展現卓越的科研實力。 HBN 以A醇抗老產品為核心,早C晚A護膚理念的推動者之一。
Boron Nitride Powder | h-BN | CAS Number 10043-11-5 - Ossila
High purity 2D hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN) powders. Suitable for the production of single or few-layer sheets via liquid exfoliation. Click to learn more.
hbn - Best Buy
Shop for hbn at Best Buy. Find low everyday prices and buy online for delivery or in-store pick-up
1 oz Hexagonal Boron Nitride hBN Powder Ultra FINE 0.5 µ …
2016年12月10日 · Only 9 left in stock - order soon. It is a superb dry lubricant for many applications, particularly bullet and gun barrel coating. Extreme load carrying ability. Low coefficient of friction: 0.15. Chemically inert in lubrication applications. Lubricates extremely well under all conditions: heat, cold, pressure, vacuum and high loads.
- 评论数: 81
Boron nitride powder, 1um, 98 10043-11-5 - MilliporeSigma
Hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) has a layered structure similar to graphite and can be exfoliated as singlelayered BN sheets. hBN has applications in catalysts, optoelectronics and semiconductor devices. Boron nitride posseses high thermal conductivity of approximately 400W/mK at 300K.
Hexagonal Boron Nitride (hBN) Powder | Hex Boron Nitride
To buy HBN powder please contact 416 509 4462 or email [email protected]. Hexagonal Boron Nitride Powder- One of most reliable lubricant for high temperatures. Hexagonal Boron Nitride can provide lubricity at temperatures upto 1400 deg C.
HQ graphene is a manufacturer of high quality 2D crystals
HQ Graphene is a manufacturer of high quality 2D single crystals, selling directly to over 190 universities, research institutes and companies worldwide. Our customers are scientists demanding high purity and high quality crystals for scientific research.
Hexagonal boron nitride crystals- hBN - Mcrnano
Single 2D crystal of Hexagonal Boron Nitride Crystals (hBN) for scientific research. Exfoliation into monolayers, STM, AFM and other studies. Order now.
h-BN Flakes Powder | 2D Semiconductors USA
New improved synthesis growth of hBN powder with perfect layered structure. Each h-BN powder order comes in 2mL size bottles and measures ~1gr in weight. An economical solution to h-BN exfoliation. h-BN flakes powders come in large quantities (see images), and can be exfoliated onto arbitrary substrates on multiple occations (+10000 times) to ...