M1918 Browning automatic rifle - Wikipedia
Ohio Ordnance Works produces a contemporary semi-automatic variant of the M1918 called "1918A3-SLR", and a much modified lightened version called HCAR (Heavy Counter Assault Rifle), which are legal for civilians without an FFL (federal firearms license) to own.
HCAR戰鬥步槍 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
重型戰鬥突擊步槍 (英語: Heavy Combat Assault Rifle,簡稱:HCAR;又稱: 重型戰鬥突擊步槍,英語: Heavy Counter Assault Rifle,簡稱HCAR;以下亦沿用簡稱稱呼)是一款由 美国 俄亥俄軍械廠所生產的 戰鬥步槍,為 M1918白朗寧自動步槍 的現代化改進型,並且在第143屆 全国步枪协会 展會上推出,發射.30-06 春田 (7.62×63毫米) 口徑 步枪 子彈。 HCAR是俄亥俄軍械廠以著名枪械设计师 约翰·勃朗宁 所研製的 轻机枪 (自動步槍) M1918白朗寧自動步槍 為基礎的 …
H.C.A.R. Package – Ohio Ordnance Works
H.C.A.R. Package – Ohio Ordnance Works
HCAR戰鬥步槍 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書 - zh.wikipedia.org
重型戰鬥突擊步槍 (英語: Heavy Combat Assault Rifle,簡稱:HCAR;又稱: 重型戰鬥突擊步槍,英語: Heavy Counter Assault Rifle,簡稱HCAR;以下亦沿用簡稱稱呼)是一款由 美國 俄亥俄軍械廠所生產的 戰鬥步槍,為 M1918白朗寧自動步槍 的現代化改進型,並且在第143屆 全國步槍協會 展會上推出,發射.30-06 春田 (7.62×63公釐) 口徑 步槍 子彈。 HCAR是俄亥俄軍械廠以著名槍械設計師 約翰·白朗寧 所研製的 輕機槍 (自動步槍) M1918白朗寧自動步槍 為基礎的 …
Ohio Ordnance HCAR | Gun Wiki | Fandom
The HCAR (Heavy Counter Assault Rifle) is an American semi-automatic rifle that is produced by Ohio Ordnance Works. It is a heavily modified derivative of the Browning Automatic Rifle built on an Ohio Ordnance M1918A3 receiver. The HCAR is a modernized version of the M1918 BAR, with improvements...
H.C.A.R. Package – Ohio Ordnance Works
The HCAR is a modernized version of the M1918 BAR, with improvements such as adjustable stock, 45-degree selector switch, takedown pins, bolt hold open, picatinny rails and carbon fiber trigger section. It also features an adjustable gas regulator (3-position) for suppressors, and a hydraulic buffer.
Browning Automatic Rifle - Internet Movie Firearms Database
The Ohio Ordnance Heavy Counter Assault Rifle (HCAR) is a modernized version of the BAR made by Ohio Ordnance, who also make semi auto clones of the original M1918A2 pattern. Specifications (2013 - Present) Type: Battle Rifle; Caliber:.30-06 Springfield; Barrel Lengths: 16 in (40.6 cm), 20 in (50.8 cm) Capacity: 30-round box magazine; Fire ...
HCAR - Battlefield Wiki | Fandom
The HCAR is a purchasable Battle Rifle for the Law Enforcement Enforcer. It fires the .30-06 round and deals heavy damage, but it has a large amount of recoil when fired fully-automatic. Compared to the SCAR-H, the HCAR has a slower time to kill at the same ranges, but has ten extra rounds in its magazine and swifter reloads.
冷门武器科普之硬仗的拖拉机枪声-HCAR步枪 - 哔哩哔哩
HCAR步枪 (重型战斗突击步枪)是一款由美国俄亥俄军械厂生产的以M1918勃朗宁为基础的现代化*****。 枪械参数. 重量:5.33千克. 枪管长度:406.4毫米. 子弹:.30-06斯普林菲尔德步枪弹 (7.62×63毫米) 口径:7.62毫米. 枪管:1根,表面有大量酒窝式凹坑. 枪机:长行程活塞气动式,开放式枪机. 闭锁:枪机偏转式. 发射模式:全自动型:半/全,半自动型. 射速:半自动型:半自动 (看手速),全自动型:300—650发/分钟. 枪口初速:860米/秒. 有效射程:91.44—1371.6米. 最大射程: …
HCAR - Phantom Forces Wiki
The HCAR (Heavy Combat Assault Rifle) is a 21st-century modernized, lightweight civilian variant of the original M1918 Browning Automatic Rifle, an automatic rifle that was primarily used by American Expeditionary Forces during the latter period of World War I.