Hydrocarbon Pore Volume - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Hydrocarbon pore volume is the total reservoir volume that can be filled with hydrocarbons. You might find these chapters and articles relevant to this topic. Hydrocarbon pore volume is determined from the geological (area and average reservoir thickness) and petrophysical (porosity and net to gross—NTG) input (Fig. 6.1).
co2-EOR HCPV单位含义-油气开采-阳光石油网|石油技术交流|石油 …
2018年7月31日 · HCPV=Hydrocarbon Pore Volume就是一个油藏中总的油气储量,HCPV=(Bulk Volume) x (Porosity) x (1-Swi).另附图一张,应该就很容易理解了。 另外你说的注入量,应该是把CO2的注入量等量的换成了HCPV,这个很简单的,在Waterflooding中有讲到,可以参考一下Waterflooding的资料。
Hydrocarbon Volumetrics Estimation - SpringerLink
2019年7月16日 · For example, pore volume is the integral of porosity over the reservoir domain; hydrocarbon pore volume (HCPV) is the integral of bulk hydrocarbon pore volumes or products of porosity and hydrocarbon saturation, expressed as. $$ \mathrm {HCPV}= {\int}_R\phi \left (\boldsymbol {x}\right) {S}_h\left (\boldsymbol {x}\right) {d}^3\boldsymbol {x} $$
HCPV - pengtools.com
HCPV stands for hydrocarbon pore volume. Equals to the volume of reservoir hydrocarbons at the downhole conditions. Equation. where = Area, m2 = Net pay, oil saturated thickness, m = Hydrocarbon pore volume, m3 = Porosity, fraction = Oil saturation, fraction Related definitions. Pore volume: Movable pore volume: where
HCPV (reservoir) - Reservoir Engineering - tidjma.tn
Defining HCPV: HCPV represents the volume of pore space within a reservoir rock that can hold hydrocarbons (oil and natural gas). It is essentially the available storage space for these valuable resources. Think of it like the capacity of a sponge – the bigger the sponge, the more water it can hold. Factors Influencing HCPV:
注气研究中,HCPV表示什么单位,怎么换算的?_阿果石油论坛_ …
2009年12月13日 · 我觉得hcpv是烃类所占的地下孔隙体积,那应该它是等于地下孔隙体积乘以烃类的饱和度。 在CMG中可以输出这个参数,而这个参数是随时间而变化的,因为烃类的饱和度变化。
2009年5月22日 · hydrocarbon pore volumes (%HCPV) processed. Implications of this work can be used to predict the cumulative volumes (or time, depending on reservoir processing rate) required to significantly reduce a static OOIP distribution. A technique is shown where reservoir simulation is used to probabilistically analyze HM field data.
SPE/SEG | Search SPE Reservoir Engineering: HCPV - Society of …
HCPV Recovered Test Flooding Process (total ... Summary. This study has two objectives:to screen and select foaming agents for specific CO2 floods and to determine the effectiveness of foam in improving sweep efficiency in CO2 flooding.
Volumetric Method To Estimate Volume In Place and Reserves
2016年4月10日 · To estimate oil initially volume in place, the following formula is a volumetric calculation for oil. Where; STOIIP = stock tank oil in place, stb. A= area, acre. h = reservoir thickness, ft. ɸ = rock porosity, % Swc =connate water saturation, % …
The High-Concentrator Photovoltaic Module | SpringerLink
2015年1月1日 · High-concentrator photovoltaic (HCPV) modules are used in HCPV systems to convert unconcentrated sunlight to electricity. These assemblies include optical elements, solar cells, cooling mechanisms, and other peripheral elements that can …