To solve this issue, HDDM includes a mixture model which assumes that outliers come from a uniform distribution. Here, we specify that we expect roughly 5% outliers in our data. 4
we present a novel Python-based toolbox called HDDM (hierarchical drift diffusion model), which allows fast and flexible estimation of the the drift-diffusion model and the related linear ballistic accumulator model.
HDDM Model Once we have our data in the format expected by HDDM, we can now specify an HDDM model. We focus on a simple example here: a basic hierarchical model that estimates separate drift rates (v) as a function of task con-dition, denoted by the“stim” column, and moreover estimates the starting point bias z. (Boundary separation,
these new capabilities with HDDM facilitates a one-stop Bayesian-modeling pipeline for experimentalists and computational modelers interested in applying the DDM to their experimental data. To address the above issues, we leveraged the Docker container technology to create dockerHDDM, a stable and complete virtualized Python computing environ-
and model parameters. Here we describe a novel extension to the widely used hierarchical drift diffusion model (HDDM) toolbox, which facilitates flexible construction, estimation, and evaluation of the reinforcem ent learning drift diffusion model (RLDDM) using hierarchical Bayesian methods.
Michael J Frank's Home Page
HDDM - hierarchical bayesian parameter estimation for the drift diffusion model ; I also have various scripts available (in matlab, Python, R, JAGS, STAN) for quantitative simulations/fits using algorithmic reinforcement learning models - email me! Basal ganglia model in …
Michael J. Frank's Online Publications - Brown University
2025年2月16日 · Here, we present a novel Python-based toolbox called HDDM (hierarchical drift diffusion model), which allows fast and flexible estimation of the the drift-diffusion model and the related linear ballistic accumulator model.
Hierarchical Drift Diffusion Model (HDDM) was used to quantify decision-making mechanisms recruited by the task, to determine if any such mechanism was disrupted by depression. Methods. Datacame from two samples (Study 1: 258 MDD, 36 controls; Study 2: 23 MDD, 25 controls).
HDDM parameters explain PRT variables in Study 1. Zero-order correlations between (A) response bias in the PRT and starting point bias from the HDDM (r = 0.55, p < 0.001), and (B) discriminability in the PRT and drift rate from the HDDM (r = 0.92, p < 0.001).
Session 3: A Tutorial on HDDM toolbox (DDM with hierarchical estimation) Guest lecture by Jae-Young Son [find toolbox instructions here] Day 5: Methods & Challenges in Computational Modelling (Fri 7/19)