HDNH: a read-efficient and write-optimized hashing scheme for hybrid ...
In this paper, we present a read-efficient and write-optimized hashing scheme for hybrid DRAM-NVM memory, named HDNH (Hybrid DRAM-NVM Hashing). Our design can be summarized …
HDNH persists key-value items in non-volatile table while metadatas are placed in OCF for fast access.
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2024年5月27日 · (12158) 경기도 남양주시 화도읍 묵현로 188 사 무 실: 02 - 555 - 0519 / 서기 HP. 010 - 5202 - 9637 Copyrigh© 2015~2025 함동노회 All right reserved
A Multi-hashing Index for hybrid DRAM-NVM memory systems
2022年7月1日 · In this paper, we proposed a novel hybrid DRAM-NVM persistent and concurrent hashing index, named Multi-Hashing Index (MuHash). MuHash uses a multi-hash function …
Ultralytics Flask API for detection and segmentation
This code is based on the Ultralytics repo and it has all the functionalities that the original code has: Different source: images, videos, webcam, RTSP cameras. All the weights are supported: …
4-Hydroxynonenal (4-HNE) | 氧化/亚硝化应激生物标志物 | MCE
2020年1月5日 · 4-Hydroxynonenal (4-HNE) is an α,β unsaturated hydroxyalkenal and an oxidative/nitrosative stress biomarker. 4-Hydroxynonenal is a substrate and an inhibitor of …
HDNH - Cabinet Dentaire - Blainville, Québec
Hygiéniste dentaire en pratique indépendante à Blainville. Votre Nettoyage Dentaire est maintenant plus Accessible ! Sans dentiste sur place. Votre clinique dentaire axée sur la …
WDZNH-BYJ(F) 低烟无卤消防信号电缆 - 百家号
2023年9月23日 · WDZNH-BYJ (F)是一种低烟无卤,它具有许多优秀的特点,如低烟、无卤、阻燃、耐火等。 这种电缆在火灾时能够有效地降低烟雾的释放,同时不含有害物质,不会对环境 …
HDNH: a read-efficient and write-optimized hashing scheme for …
2021年8月9日 · In this paper, we present an optimized extendible hashing variant for hybrid DRAM-NVM memory, named OP-HMEH. In our design, hash buckets are persisted in NVM …
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