Heinkel He 113 - Wikipedia
The Heinkel He 113 was a fictitious German fighter aircraft of World War II, invented as a propaganda and possibly disinformation exercise. In 1940, Nazi Minister of Propaganda Joseph Goebbels publicised the fact that a new fighter was entering service with the Luftwaffe.
Heinkel He 100 - Wikipedia
Heinkel He 113 (propaganda, never put into service) The Heinkel He 100 was a German pre- World War II fighter aircraft design from Heinkel . Although it proved to be one of the fastest fighter aircraft in the world at the time of its development, the …
The Super Fighter That Never Was – The Heinkel 113 - WAR …
2019年2月13日 · The fictitious He 113 (in reality an He 100 D-1) in a spurious night fighter unit. The story of the phantom super-fighter began in the mid 1930s with the design of the Heinkel 112, a sleek monoplane built in response to a Luftwaffe requirement for a new fighter capable of challenging the Supermarine Spitfire.
戈培尔为吓唬盟军而虚构的战斗机—亨克尔He 113 - 知乎
2025年1月1日 · He 113. 在1940年,德国宣传部部长 戈培尔 对外宣称德军即将服役一种新式的先进战机,试图让盟军以为德军这款新式战机将全方面领先,进而削弱抵抗意志。这款战机就是虚构的亨克尔He 113,但凭空杜撰一款装备并不容易,它的原型其实是亨克尔He 100高速战斗机。
戈培尔为吓唬盟军而虚构的战斗机—亨克尔He 113 - 哔哩哔哩
为轰炸机护航的He 113 德国宣传部的欺骗战术发挥了一定效果,英国情报机构一度认为He 113真实存在,在1940年的报告中提到了这种战机最大飞行速度为628千米/小时,翼展15.5米,并且德国本土正在量产该机,英军称赞该机在速度和飞行高度上的优势,同时认为已 ...
He-100: Heinkel’s Mythical Super-Fighter - HistoryNet
2018年10月12日 · The Nazis conducted a clever propaganda campaign to convince the Allies that their He-113 was a potent new weapon. Heinkel He-100s—He-113s renamed due to Ernst Heinkel’s superstition—prepare for a spurious mission. (National Archives)
He-113战机迷云_德国空军 - 搜狐
2019年5月14日 · 在不列颠空战进行最为惨烈的时候,一些英国皇家飞行员声称见到了德军宣传的最为厉害的战斗机He-113。 飞行员派克中尉声称,他当时看到这种德国战机的机头前有一个巨大的螺旋桨,左右机翼上各装有一门机关炮,机身下部被涂成淡蓝色,上部则是绿色,飞机 ...
The "Superplane" That Didn't Exist: Heinkel He 113 - YouTube
In this video, we talk about the Heinkel He 113, a World War 2-era fighter aircraft from Nazi Germany pushed and promoted as an incredible fighter - a "super...
Heinkel He 113 Fighter - wehrmacht-history.com
The Heinkel He 113 was originally designated the He 100 But was used by Joseph Goebbels propaganda ministry and as publicised a new fighter, night fighter that was entering service with the Luftwaffe.
Heinkel He 113 | Military Wiki | Fandom
The Heinkel He 113 was a supposed Luftwaffe fighter aircraft of World War II, which in reality existed only as a propaganda and/or disinformation strategy. In 1940, Joseph Goebbels publicised the fact that a new fighter was entering service with the Luftwaffe.
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