Henschel Hs 126 - Wikipedia
The Henschel Hs 126 was a twin-seat parasol wing reconnaissance and observation aircraft designed and produced by the German aircraft manufacturer Henschel. The Hs 126 that was derived from the Henschel Hs 122 .
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无声的巡视者:亨舍尔Hs126前线侦察机小传 - 网易
2021年11月7日 · Hs126采用30年代初中期常见的伞式上单翼设计(主翼通过支架与机身连接,区别于翼梁穿过机身的撑杆式布局),以提供尽可能大的翼面积,后缘安装较长的简单襟翼,以提升起降性能。 尾翼为标准布局,平尾下方有2组撑杆。 起落架为后三点固定式,适合在前线非标准机场起降。 固定武装为1挺MG17同步机枪,安装在前机身右上。 后座观测员有1挺手持MG15自卫机枪。 此外,Hs126可在机身内照相机位置挂载10枚SC10炸弹,或在机身左侧挂架挂载较大的 …
Hs 126 - Reconnaissance aircraft - Luftwaffe - AirPages
Henshel Hs-126 The aircraft could be successfully used as a tactical day and night close-range reconnaissance aircraft, an artillery fire spotter, a light bomber and an attack aircraft, perform communications missions and send saboteurs to the enemy's near rear.
Henschel Hs 126 | Aircraft | Weapons & Technology - German War …
A development of the earlier Hs 122 trainer and light reconnaissance aircraft of 1934, the Hs 126 provided the Germans with the bulk of their battlefield reconnaissance capability in World War II. It gained a new wing, cantilever main landing gear and a canopy over the pilot’s cockpit, which were fitted to an Hs 122 airframe to produce the ...
Henschel He-126 Manual - WW2Aircraft.net Forums
2018年12月26日 · Short technical manual for the Hs-126 A-1, dated 1939.
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'She's a fighter': Local raptor injured, rehabbed, released - Yahoo
8 小时之前 · She's a fighter," he said. The raptor center kept 126 for 182 days, much of it spent in the 175-foot flight aviary. Through it all she kept getting stronger. Auburn uses a daily flight evaluation ...