He 162 A-2 | War Thunder Wiki
The He 162 A-2 has been in the game since the start of the Open Beta Test prior to Update 1.27. It is one of the earliest jet fighters in-game and regularly faces propeller-driven aircraft. Like many jet fighters, the He 162 has an excellent top speed of 840 km/h (522 mph) and an even better structural speed limit of 1,040 km/h (646 mph).
He 162 A-1 | War Thunder Wiki
You must play more than 3 battles for the last week and more than 10 battles in a vehicle to rate it.
He 162 A-2战机资料_武器配置_战争雷霆数据库 _ 游民星空 …
游民星空战争雷霆数据库为你提供最全面最详细的He 162 A-2战机数据、属性及He 162 A-2武器配置、改装,更多战机、坦克数据尽在游民星空战争雷霆数据库。
Heinkel He 162 Volksjäger - Wikipedia
The Heinkel He 162 Volksjäger (German, "People's Fighter") is a German single-engine, jet-powered fighter aircraft fielded by the Luftwaffe late in World War II. Developed under the Emergency Fighter Program, it was designed and built quickly and made primarily of wood as metals were in very short supply and prioritised for other aircraft.
I got my first jet the he 162 a2 any advice on how I could play it - Reddit
2023年4月4日 · He-162 has one of the worst accelerations of any jet aircraft in the game, and unlike the P-59 (which has the lowest top speed of any jet aircraft in-game), the He-162 has no maneuverability to speak of.
He-162 A-2, good or meh? : r/Warthunder - Reddit
2021年2月5日 · Unlike most other "bad" planes that people usually dislike, which are both easy to kill and hard to get kills with, the He-162 is at least hard to kill and has decent guns. It's pretty good in Tank RB. You could speed in and out of the main area to shoot at planes that are busy looking at the ground. I like it.
He 162 A-1 - War Thunder Wiki* - WIKIWIKI
2019年12月25日 · WarThunder5周年記念のトーナメントイベント にて入手することが出来た機体。 機体情報 (v1.**) He162の30mm機関砲搭載型。 あまり量産されていない。 史実ではエンジンが相次いで故障し、ボツになってしまった。 誤解や混乱を防ぐために、 使用感を話題にする際はゲームモード (AB/RB/SB)の明記をお願いします。 荒らし行為に対してはスルーしてください。 不用意に荒らし行為に反応し、荒らしを助長した場合は、 荒らし共々BANされる可能 …
He 162 A-2 - War Thunder Wiki
The He 162 A-2 has been in the game since the start of the Open Beta Test prior to Update 1.27. It is one of the earliest jet fighters in-game and regularly faces propeller-driven aircraft. Like many jet fighters, the He 162 has an excellent top speed of 840 km/h (522 mph) and an even better structural speed limit of 1,040 km/h (646 mph).
He 162戰鬥機 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書 - zh.wikipedia.org
He 162是二次大戰德國戰機中,飛行速度第二高速的戰鬥機;僅次於Me 163火箭動力戰機,比起Me 262還要快一點。 戰後,皇家海軍艦載航空隊(FAA. Fleet Air Arm) 的傳奇王牌試飛員Eric Brown測試過後,對本機的評價非常高。