Heinkel He 162 Volksjäger - Wikipedia
The Heinkel He 162 Volksjäger (German, "People's Fighter") is a German single-engine, jet-powered fighter aircraft fielded by the Luftwaffe late in World War II. Developed under the Emergency Fighter Program, it was designed and built quickly and made primarily of wood as metals were in very short supply and prioritised for other aircraft.
He 162戰鬥機 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書 - zh.wikipedia.org
He 162是二次大戰德國戰機中,飛行速度第二高速的戰鬥機;僅次於Me 163火箭動力戰機,比起Me 262還要快一點。 戰後,皇家海軍艦載航空隊(FAA. Fleet Air Arm) 的傳奇王牌試飛員Eric Brown測試過後,對本機的評價非常高。
Heinkel He 162A-1 'Volksjager' - Planes of Fame Air Museum
The Museum's Heinkel He 162A-1, werke number 120077, was built in February/March of 1945 at the Heinkel Aircraft Factory at Rostock/Marienehe, Germany. The aircraft was assigned in April 1945 to II/JG-1 "Oesau" at Leck Airfield in Holstein, Germany and was assigned the …
Heinkel He 162 Volksjäger - Plane-Encyclopedia
The He 162’s first allegedly air victory (and possibly the only one) was achieved by Lt. Rudolf Schmitt from I./JG 1, when he shot down a British fighter. However, this fighter was later claimed to have been shot down by German ground AA fire.
ハインケルHe162 - Wikipedia
He 162 フォルクスイェーガー(Heinkel He 162 Volksjäger )は、ドイツのハインケル社が開発し、第二次世界大戦末期にドイツで運用された単発単座ジェット戦闘機。
亨克尔He.162 “火蜥蜴”喷气式战斗机 - 百家号
2025年2月14日 · He 162的战斗生涯在1945年5月8日结束,当时英国坦克占领了莱克机场,发现了整齐排列的31架He 162A-1/A-2,但这些飞机油箱为空。 约有十架He 162正在修理或组装中。
Heinkel He 162 Salamander - Aviation History
Although Ernst Heinkel named the plane the Spatz for Sparrow, the He 162 was mostly known as the Salamander, because of the creature’s mythical ability to to live through fire. The prototype He-162 V1 emerged in 74 days and weighed 6,180 lbs., fully loaded.
HE-162战斗机 - 百度百科
He 162战斗机是德国于二次世界大战时第二架量产的喷射战斗机,期望以简单的设计大量生产,配合低飞行训练时间的飞行员拦截美国的轰炸机群,因此又有国民战斗机的昵称。
Heinkel He 162 - Nevington War Museum
He 162E — He 162A fitted with the BMW 003R mixed power plant, a BMW 003A turbojet with an integrated BMW 718 liquid-fuel rocket engine — mounted just above the exhaust orifice of the turbojet — for boost power. At least one prototype was built and flight-tested for a short time.
[军备档案]He-162“国民战机” - 哔哩哔哩
He-162A击落英军“台风”式战斗机 【军备档案】| He-162A-1. 名称:He-162A-1. 星级:3星. 类型:战斗机. 型别:轻型. 职能:空战/制空. 出身:亨克尔公司(亨克尔学院) 所属阵营:德意志第三帝国(黑十字帝国学联) ………………