氦-3 - 百度百科
氦-3是一种氦气同位素气体,化学符号³He,气体具有无色,无味,无臭稳定的气体。 一般储存于气瓶中的高压气体,天然氦-3含量是1.38x10-6。 当其含量增加导致氧气含量低于19.5%时有 …
氦-3 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
氦-3,是氦的同位素之一,元素符號為 3 He。它的原子核由二顆質子和一顆中子所組成。是穩定同位素。其相對豐度是0.000137%。 [1] 月球表面的風化層(表皮土)富含著大量的氦-3。
What is Helium-3 and why is it so important? - Edinformatics
Helium-3, also written as 3 He, is a light isotope of helium having 2 protons but only one neutron and an atomic mass of 3. The existence of Helium-3 was first proposed in 1934 by the …
氦-3:来自月球的神秘能源。 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
关于氦-3这种东西,很了解它的人并不多,实际上它是一种无色无味的氦气同位素气体,被公认为一种未来将被广泛应用的核聚变能源燃料,因为氦-3可以和氢的同位素发生核聚变反应,但是 …
Helium He-3 | He | CID 6857639 - PubChem
2021年10月14日 · Helium-3 atom is the stable isotope of helium with relative atomic mass 3.016029. The least abundant (0.000137 atom percent) isotope of naturally occurring helium. …
Helium-3 - isotopic data and properties - ChemLin
Helium-3 is a stable isotope of the chemical element helium. The atomic nucleus of the nuclide consists of the element-specific 2 protons and a neutron, which results in the mass number 3. …
Helium | NIDC: National Isotope Development Center
DOE projects its helium-3 (He-3) recovery and inventory management activities will meet important Federal demands for several decades to come. The sole source of DOE's He-3 …
氦稳定同位素 - 百度百科
氦-3,是氦的同位素之一,元素符号为He。 它的原子核由二颗质子和一颗中子所组成。 是稳定同位素。 其相对丰度是0.000137%。 氦-4 是最常见的氦的同位素,是稳定同位素、丰度 …
Helium-3 He3 | Air Liquide Advanced Technologies
One of the rarest gasses, helium-3 is stable, inert, nontoxic and nonflammable. Helium-3 has a wide range of applications. It is an essential molecule for neutron detection, dilution …
Helium-3 | chemical isotope | Britannica - Encyclopedia Britannica
Helium-3 (3 He) is a rare stable isotope of helium and is commercially available in isotopically separated form.