Heinkel He 112 - Wikipedia
The Heinkel He 112 is a German fighter aircraft designed by Walter and Siegfried Günter. It was one of four aircraft designed to compete for the 1933 fighter contract of the Luftwaffe, in which it came second behind the Messerschmitt Bf 109.
Heinkel He 112 operational service - Wikipedia
Heinkel 's He 112 was a fighter aircraft designed by Walter and Siegfried Günter. It was one of four planes designed to compete for the Luftwaffe 's 1933 fighter contract, which was eventually won by the Messerschmitt Bf 109.
He 112戰鬥機 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
He 112戰鬥機是 亨克爾 公司在1934年應德國空軍的「高速郵政機」(後來改為「輕型運動機」,這是為了迴避 凡爾賽條約)而研製的,當時德國空軍開出的要求: 當時有4家公司參與投標,分別是阿拉度、福克.沃爾夫、梅賽希密特和亨克爾,其中梅賽希密特發展出 Bf 109 而亨克爾發展出He 112. 當時亨克爾派出曾研製 He 70飛機 的吉他兄弟負責,He 70是亨克爾公司一種成功的飛機,故He 112深受其影響,包括有著由曲線組成的流線形機身和橢圓形機翼,而其主翼是略為向下彎 …
Heinkel He 112 - Plane-Encyclopedia
This aircraft was to be armed with cannons and machine guns. Heinkel proposed that the V6 be armed with a 2 cm MG C/30L cannon placed in the centerline of the engine. According to D. Bernard the V6 was designated for further testing, under real combat conditions, and would be sent to Spain at the end of 1936.
He-112战斗机 - 百度百科
He-112战斗机是亨克尔公司在1934年应德国空军的“高速邮政机”(后来改为“轻型运动机”,这是为了回避凡尔赛条约)而研制的,理论极限速度约700千米,是当时飞得最快的飞机,曾一度准备冲击飞行速度的世界记录。 但飞机设计非常复杂,且不容易维护和保养。 德国空军自己并未采购,而日本、匈牙利、西班牙、罗马尼亚等国采购了一批。 该型机共生产54架,1939年停产。 不过He-112还是在欧洲的其他国家及日本赢得了一些合同,日本人订购了三十架,其中十二架在苏 …
Heinkel He-112B The Forgotten Fighter. - sas1946.com
3 天之前 · He 112 V6 - Prototype Model; fitted with Junkers Jumo 210C engine; modified radiator. He 112 V8 - Fitted with Daimler-Benz DB 600Aa of 910 horsepower; airframe underwent rocketry tests before being returned forfurther development.
Heinkel He 112: Spain's Fascinating Fighter Aircraft of the Civil War
During the Spanish Civil War, the He 112 played a significant role as one of the primary fighter aircraft used by the Nationalist forces. Its agility, speed, and firepower made it a formidable opponent against Republican planes, contributing to the overall air superiority of the Nationalists.
Heinkel He 112 - Military Factory
2019年4月11日 · He 112 V6 - Prototype Model; fitted with Junkers Jumo 210C engine; modified radiator.
Heinkel He112 V6 Kanonenvogel - klueser.de
Die He 112 V3 Wnr.1292, D-IDMO war mit Jumo210C ausgestattet, Spannweite b11,5m wie V2. Im Stand verstellbarer Schwarz-Dreiblattpropeller. Zunächst offenr Pilotensitz, später Schiebehaube. Einflug in Rostock, Erprobung in Rechlin. Danach Versuchszelle für Raketentriebwerke unter Wernher von Braun in Neuhardenberg/Brandenburg. Dabei z...
亨克He112,一款性能优异,优雅而强大,却被人遗忘的传奇战机 06:21 第三帝国的飞行铅笔,二战初期德军轰炸机主力:道尼尔Do-17