Heads of the Virgin and Child in silverpoint by Raphael – Italian …
2015年8月20日 · The Virgin’s head has close parallel hatching in short, controlled strokes of the stylus. The Child’s head, however, is more broadly modelled, his features slightly blurred to suggest expression around his eyes and mouth.
Raphael, Heads of the Virgin and Child, a drawing
The Virgin's head has close parallel hatching in short, controlled strokes of the stylus. The Child's head, however, is more broadly modelled, his features slightly blurred to suggest...
drawing - British Museum
Raphael's virtuoso handling of metalpoint is exemplified by the subtle modelling of the Virgin's head which is achieved almost entirely through parallel hatching with only minimal internal modelling.
Art 2.1- Drawing Flashcards - Quizlet
"Heads of the Virgin and Child" -Raphael using hatching and cross-hatching to create a stronger value-Closely overlaps many paralell lines across the paper to cover more of the paper; creating the illusion of a darker value (technique often used to create the effect of shading)
drawing - British Museum
The drawing at Lille is a metalpoint study of a garzone in the pose of the Virgin. The British Museum sheet, also in metalpoint, focuses on the head of the Virgin. Unlike the figure in the Lille drawing, the head here was not drawn after a boy in the workshop, but is …
The Head of the Virgin in Three-Quarter View Facing Right
The Metropolitan Head of the Virgin is among the earliest examples in Italy of the "two chalk technique," in which red and black chalks are blended for a subtly complementary pictorial effect.
[Solved] In Heads of the Virgin and Child, a silverpoint drawing by ...
Hatching and Cross-Hatching: Raphael's use of hatching and cross-hatching in "Heads of the Virgin and Child" is a testament to his understanding of how to manipulate silverpoint effectively. By carefully overlapping many parallel lines, he was able to create the illusion of darker values on the inherently light paper.
Virgin and Child with Two Saints (recto); Fragmentary Design of a …
He quickly traced the contours of the figures, working them over with great movement and angular breaks. In the areas of intermediate shadows, he used patches of parallel-hatching and cross-hatching, almost using the red chalk as if it were a pen, …
Art Appreciation Exam II Flashcards - Quizlet
Heads of the Virgin and Child A silverpoint drawing by Raphael, the artist uses hatching and cross-hatching to create a stronger dark value. Because silverpoint has such a light value and is usually drawn with very thin lines, much of the pale paper is exposed.
Raphael, Heads of the Virgin and Child , a drawing
The Virgin's head has close parallel hatching in short, controlled strokes of the stylus. The Child's head, however, is more broadly modelled, his features slightly blurred to suggest expression around his eyes and mouth.