Heidi Chen – Essentialwave Yoga
她的教學以現代最新的解剖、筋膜、復健、力量與呼吸訓練為基礎,放進瑜伽體位的分析與順位的運行,用邏輯性的體位序列,來引導學生一步步的從身體覺知進入「瑜珈」。 她不給學生框架式的答案,而是以開放式的互動,幫助學生內省去尋找瑜珈真正要帶給我們的智慧。 期望以開放式互動,幫助學生內去尋找智慧及真實的喜悅,並種下轉變的種子。 目前定居美國波德(Boulder)及台北,鞏固 Ashtanga Community 在波德的傳承,並在亞洲各地教授瑜珈培訓及工作坊。 目前 …
Yoga For Women | Yoga With Heidi
Yoga with Heidi offers online yoga and meditation classes for women of all levels. Her classes are designed to address the physical and physiological changes that women experience at different stages of their life. Subscribe to the entire, ad-free online …
H E I D I 李靜儀 (@heidibibe) • Instagram photos and videos
437K Followers, 503 Following, 1,202 Posts - H E I D I 李靜儀 (@heidibibe) on Instagram: "Job enquiry: 852 69006036 [email protected] @227mmsnap"
Essentialwave Yoga – Heidi Chen essentialwave yoga
關於 HEIDI; 瑜伽終生導師; 梵文及靈性導師; 培訓及研習課. 瑜珈工作坊及研習課程; RYT 200 小時瑜珈密集培訓. 延續與傳承; 課程內容; 瑜珈僻靜營; 大眾課程. 線上常態課程; heidi-返台實體課程; 課程預約及購買; blog; 商店. 基礎瑜珈入門-六堂精選課程; 精采工作坊 ...
Cute with a hint of death. Fun colorful handmade illustrations by entrepreneur Heidi Moreno. Stickers, prints, pins, pouches, spooky art. Most of all cats!
Yoga With Heidi
I'm here to help you take better care of yourself. My mission is to support a new way of thinking, moving and inhabiting our bodies while having some fun in the process! My classes include Yoga, breathing techniques, meditation, Yoga Nidra, mudras, Qigong, functional strengthening, natural postural alignment and somatic re-education methods.
Heidi Giokos Χάιδω (@heidigiokos) - Instagram
9,513 Followers, 1,915 Following, 330 Posts - Heidi Giokos Χάιδω曆 (@heidigiokos) on Instagram: "Greek-South African Reporter and Anchor @encanews Saturdays & Sundays 6-9pm on #eNCA Nona aka Godmother to Cleo Save the "
Heidi Aemisegger | Yoga | Akasha Readings | Spiritual Guidance
Heidi's authentic and holistic approach inspires passion for self-discovery and self-healing. She communicates her knowledge in a cheerful and humorous way. She fulfils her mission with passion by guiding and accompanying people to connect to their inner light.
Feel good & be you - Yoga mit Heidi
Ich bin Heidi, zertifizierte Yoga-Lehrerin und ich liebe mein Yogalifestyle! Yoga ist für mich ein Weg, um mich selbst zu spüren, in mir selbst anzukommen und meinen Alltag zu entschleunigen – gerade in der heutigen schnelllebigen Zeit.
Heidi Gollub (@heidi.go) • Instagram photos and videos
0 Followers, 407 Following, 381 Posts - Heidi Gollub (@heidi.go) on Instagram: "Managing editor @usatoday"