Heil Ham Radio Microphone Review & Testing - QRZ Forums
2017年5月28日 · Heil Ham Radio Microphone Review & Testing Discussion in ' Amateur Radio News ' started by W5KV, May 27, 2017.
Icom 7300: How to Properly Set Mic Gain | Page 3 | QRZ Forums
2021年1月21日 · My compression is 2, the gain is 45. Works great and I have received great audio reports. I use a Heil Pro Headset. BTW: Why does anyone care if something is monetized. I only care if the content is relative and produced well. If a person can make a buck that is great. Just don't go to YouTube if it gets one panties in a wad. I swear, this place has more snowflakes that can be found in a local ...
Ham Radio Headset Shootout - Budget vs. High End - QRZ Forums
2017年4月24日 · Heil Pro 7 here, also, great headset, boom mike, and the ear cup and headband let me wear it for hours comfortably. The seal almost completely blocks out the noise from washer and dryer!
Ham Radio Headset Shootout - Budget vs. High End
2017年4月24日 · Ham Radio Headset Shootout - Budget vs. High End Discussion in ' Amateur Radio News ' started by W5KV, Apr 24, 2017.
Icom 7300 + Heil PR781 Review - QRZ Forums
2021年1月19日 · The Heil ICM is what you need, it is an electret mic, and it works very well with the 7300. On the other hand, the IC-7800 works very well with a PR-781 right out of the box.
#45 How to get the best microphone for your ham radio shack …
2020年5月26日 · #45 How to get the best microphone for your ham radio shack with Bob Heil Discussion in ' Amateur Radio News ' started by KM9G, May 26, 2020.
Icom 7300: How to Properly Set Mic Gain - QRZ Forums
2021年1月21日 · Want to be sure your audio is clean and you're getting maximum output power? Here is how you set your microphone gain properly on the Icom 7300. [MEDIA]
Kenwood TS480HX with Heil Proset (MJ 88 adapter wiring problem)
2011年2月3日 · I used the heil 8 pin round CC1K cord with the MJ-88 adapter. I switched the wires between pin 7 & 8 and have no more RF issues. move shield from 7 to center pin 8 & blue wire fron center pin 8 to pin 7 problem solved.
Heil Sound PRAS + Headset Giveaway - QRZ Forums
2018年9月18日 · Heil Sound and GigaParts have put together this fabulous audio combo. Included is the aviation quality Pro-7 headset, the Heil Parametric Receive Audio System (PRAS), and a really great Heil HPS-5 powered speaker.
Icom 7300 + Heil PR781 Review | Page 3 | QRZ Forums
2021年2月22日 · Icom 7300 + Heil PR781 Review Discussion in ' Amateur Radio News ' started by K0LWC, Jan 18, 2021.