Führer - Wikipedia
Führer (/ ˈfjʊərər / FURE-ər [ˈfyːʁɐ] ⓘ, spelled Fuehrer when the umlaut is unavailable) is a German word meaning " leader " or " guide ". As a political title, it is strongly associated with Adolf Hitler, the dictator of Nazi Germany from 1933 to 1945.
一个纳粹分子在敬礼时,应该喊Sieg heil还是Heil Hitler?还是都 …
2016年11月18日 · Heil Hitler(万岁希特勒), 一般是两个纳粹党或者党卫队党卫军互相之间敬礼用的,配合45°。 非纳粹的 国防军 之间敬礼,直接用普通军礼(单掌举起对准太阳穴)。 Sieg Heil(胜利万岁),一般是演讲之类的大型活动结束后,大家一起鼓劲用的口号,往往也用45°。 (为什么? 看到德国人拍的影片里都是说sieg heil,而其他国家拍的似乎都是heil hitler。
元首 (納粹德國) - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
8月2日,最後一任 威瑪共和國總統 興登堡逝世後,一個新職位建立,全名為 帝国元首兼总理 (Führer und Reichskanzler),它結合了總統和總理的職能,形式上使希特勒成為德國 國家元首 和 政府首腦;但實際上卻是 第三帝國 的 獨裁者。 納粹德國建立了領袖原則(Führerprinzip),希特勒廣泛地認知為 元首 (der Führer)。 其中一個納粹口號便是「一個民族,一個 帝國,一個元首」(Ein Volk, Ein Reich, Ein Führer)。 依照當時時空背景,亦可譯為「一個民族,一個國 …
Is “Herr Hitler” valid German? - German Language Stack Exchange
2015年5月15日 · Hitler loved to be addressed as Führer und Reichskanzler or just simply Führer — a title he created more or less for his own use so he could feel more noble. This title spread across everyday usage and people would use Mein Führer to address him — or der Führer when talking in third person.
Führer | Adolf Hitler, German Leader, Dictator | Britannica
Führer, (“Leader”), title used by Adolf Hitler to define his role of absolute authority in Germany’s Third Reich (1933–45). As early as July 1921 he had declared the Führerprinzip (“leader principle”) to be the law of the Nazi Party; and in Mein Kampf (1925–27) he asserted that such a dictatorship would be extended to the coming Third Reich.
Fuhrer: What Does The Title Actually Mean? - History
Chancellor Adolf Hitler becomes absolute dictator of Germany under the title of Fuhrer, or in English “Leader.” The German military took an oath of allegiance to its new commander-in-chief, and the last remnants of Germany’s democratic government were destroyed in a matter of weeks and was replaced by Hitler’s Third Reich.
納粹禮 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
希特勒自己則喜好稱呼為「我的 元首 萬歲!」(Heil, mein Führer!)或簡單的「萬歲! 」(Heil!)。 「勝利萬歲! 」(Sieg Heil!)是另一常用於納粹黨大會的口號,特別在希特勒發表演說後。 口號會重複三次慣常地組成「Sieg...Heil! Sieg...Heil!」。 意大利 首相 貝尼托·墨索里尼 、 西班牙 獨裁者 佛朗哥 、 羅馬尼亞 總理 揚·安東內斯庫 、 斯洛伐克總統 約瑟夫·蒂索 等二战歐洲法西斯領導人與希特勒及其軍官會面時亦有向民眾使用納粹禮。 1944年 7月20日密謀案 4日 …
The Führer: What Did Hitler's Title Mean?
2016年8月2日 · Beginning in the 1920s, Hitler used the title Führer to refer to his position within the Nazi Party. Führer means “leader,” but to Hitler the Führer was not an ordinary leader of a …
Why Did Hitler Call Himself Führer? - The Story Behind The …
2018年1月26日 · Adolf Hitler has gone down in history as one easily the most visible symbols of evil power. However, at the peak of his rule, he went by a title that has become synonymous with his tyranny, The Führer. But what does this title mean and why was the only person in …
Why it took just 18 months for Hitler to become supreme dictator …
2024年3月23日 · In 1933, Adolf Hitler rose from Chancellor to an unparalleled position of power as the Führer of Germany. This rapid transformation was propelled by a series of calculated moves and political machinations.
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