Hej! Denmark 덴마크 공식 페이지
동원 덴마크 공식 홈페이지, 신선하우스에 놀러 오세요! 덴드요부터 인포켓까지! 풍성한 콘텐츠를 만나보세요. #덴마크드링킹요구르트 #덴마크우유 #테이크얼라이브 #덴마크치즈
How To Say Hello In Danish - Babbel.com
2018年8月8日 · Luckily for those of you planning to visit Denmark, it’s pretty easy to learn how to say hello in Danish. Let’s dive right in! The Simplest Danish Greeting: Hej! With hej, you’re always on the safe side in Denmark. Pronounced just like “hi” in English, this is the simplest and most common way to greet someone in Danish.
5 good-to-know danish words and phrases in Copenhagen
Luckily, the pronunciation of the Danish greeting is exactly the same as the pronunciation of ‘hi’ in English. And, even better, ‘ hej ’ is also how you say goodbye in Danish (you can also say ‘ hej hej ’ for goodbye). The Danes don’t have a word for ‘please,’ so it’s important to …
丹麦语出国必备日常用语 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
听一听丹麦语发音我/您Jeg / De (du) 是/不是Ja / Nej 好/不好Godt / Dårligt 您好/再见Hej / Farvel 早上好/晚安Godmorgen / Godnat 谢谢/请Tak / Vær så god; Det var så lidt 打扰了(交流时)Undskyld (ve…
这里是一些可以用于每日会话的基本丹麦语短语,以及用在标识上的常见词汇。 Vær venlig at… 接下来是几种得到对方感谢之后的礼貌回应方式。 Vi ses! 回头见! Vi ses snart! 一会儿见! Vi …
How to Say Hello in Danish: Formal and Informal Greetings
2018年12月30日 · Here are some formal ways to say hello in Danish: The most common and versatile way to say hello in Danish is “hej.” It can be used in both formal and informal settings. However, if you want to maintain formality, it’s best to use a more specific formal greeting. Goddag (Good day) “Goddag” is a formal Danish greeting that translates to “good day.”
How To Say Hello In Denmark - Culturedanish.com
2024年1月24日 · 1. How to Say Hello in Denmark. 2. The Danish Greeting Culture. 3. Saying Hello in Danish. 4. Expert Insights. 5. Additional Greetings in Denmark. 6. Conclusion. 7. Section 2: Greetings in Other Scandinavian Countries. 7.1. Norway: 7.2. Sweden: 7.3. Iceland: 7.4. Finland: 8. Section 3: Greetings Around the World. 8.1. Italy: 8.2. Japan: 8.3. India:
Greetings And Salutations In Danish – Language Hobo
2025年3月10日 · In this article, you’ll find a comprehensive guide to the most common Danish greetings and farewells, all separated into useful categories depending on the time of day you’d use them. The most common way to say ‘hello’ in Danish is “hej”. Pronounced like the English word “hi”, this word can be used in almost any situation.
How to Say Hello in Denmark? A Guide to Danish Greetings
2025年1月10日 · When addressing someone formally in Denmark, you use the formal greeting “Hej” (HA-y). This is used when speaking to someone you don’t know well, such as a stranger, a colleague, or a superior. The formal greeting is also used in formal situations, such as in business meetings or when speaking to someone in a position of authority.
How to Say Hello in Danish: Guide to Danish Greetings
2019年1月12日 · When answering the phone in Swedish, it usually suffices to say a simple Hallå! or “Hello!” and then to present yourself with your first name: Hallå! Det här är Stina. “Hello! This is Stina.” Hej! Det är Anna, hur mår du? “Hello! It’s Anna, how are you?” Det är bra! Hur mår du? “All good! How are you?”