Expi293™ Expression Medium - Thermo Fisher Scientific
Gibco Expi293 Expression Medium is a chemically defined, serum-free, protein-free medium for growth and transfection of suspension-adapted human embryonic kidney (HEK) 293 cells. It is specifically designed as a core component to support high density culture of Expi293F cells in the Expi293 Expression System for scalable transient protein ...
HyClone™ peak expression medium - Cytiva
HyClone™ peak expression medium is an animal-derived-component free (ADCF), hydrolysate-free and regulatory -friendly cell culture medium. The versatility of this medium allows high transfection efficiency, consistent cell growth, high viable cell density, and excellent viral titers across many HEK 293 cell lines.
FreeStyle™ 293 Expression Medium - Thermo Fisher Scientific
FreeStyle™ 293 Expression Medium is an animal origin–free, chemically defined, protein-free medium specifically developed to support the growth and transfection of 293-F cells in suspension without adaptation. The medium is complete and ready-to-use, with no supplementation required.
293 [HEK-293] - CRL-1573 - ATCC
293 [HEK-293] is a cell line exhibiting epithelial morphology that was isolated from the kidney of a human embryo. This cell line can be used in industrial biotechnology and toxicology research. ... The base medium for this cell line is ATCC-formulated Eagle's Minimum Essential Medium (ATCC 30-2003). To make the complete growth medium, ...
293细胞无血清培养基|293 Cell Culture Medium (Serum-free)
CelCulSF TM 293 Cell Culture Medium(Serum-free) 培养基为无动物源、无蛋白的完全化学成分限定培养基。 适应于HEK293各细胞系细胞(如HEK293F,HEK293T,H EK293H,Expi293 等)规模化无血清悬浮培养及后续转染表达。 产品 经过定向优化,尤其适应于 AAV 及蛋白等相关产品研发和生产过程,可支持细胞高密度扩增及 ...
EX-CELL ® 293 Serum-Free Medium for HEK 293 Cells
EX-CELL 293 is an animal-protein free, serum-free medium developed for the long-term growth of Human Embryonic Kidney 293 (HEK 293) and related cells. The cells, in a suspension culture, can be subcultured directly into EX-CELL 293 from …
HEK Media | Viral Vaccine Cell Media | Sartorius eShop
Our high performing HEK media are designed to best fit with the high variability of HEK293 cell lines, the versatility of AAV and complexity of viral vector processes from early clinical phases to large commercial scale. ... 4Cell® HEK293 ViP NB CD Medium en 546.5 kB. 4Cell® HEK293 ViP NX CD Medium en 540.5 kB. 4Cell® HEK293 TF CD Medium en ...
Cellvento ® 4HEK Liquid - MilliporeSigma
Cellvento ® 4HEK Medium is a chemically defined medium optimized for adeno-associated virus (AAV) production in multiple human embryonic kidney (HEK) 293 lineages. Cellvento ® 4HEK Medium has been streamlined and cell culture media components incorporated to increase media stability and reduce protein oxidation. The formulation is animal component free.
HyClone™ prime expression medium - Cytiva
HyClone prime expression medium is designed to support high viable cell density and robust viral production for HEK293 cell lines. × Please change the country on your profile in order to switch to another country store.
HyClone™ peak expression 培养基 | Cytiva
用于 HEK 293 细胞培养、转染和 AAV 生产的即用型 HyClone peak expression 培养基