The Effects of Frangula Alnus miller on HEK Cells in Cell culture
2016年6月8日 · Our findings show that viability of HEK cells decreased in response to 10 mg/ml of Frangula Alnus miller. However, viability of HEK cells did not change in response 0.01 , 0.1 , 1 mg/ml of ...
The Effects of Frangula Alnus miller on HEK Cells in Cell culture
In this laboratory experimental study, HEK cells were exposed to 10,1,0.1,0.01 mg/ml Frangula Alnus in cell culture. After 48 hours, the viability of HEK cells was examined using MTT assay. The data was analyzed using ANOVA. Our findings show that viability of HEK cells decreased significantly when exposed to 10 m/ml of Frangula Alnus.
hek293t和293t细胞的区别是什么? - 知乎专栏
2023年2月20日 · HEK293 是一种永生化细胞系,来源于人胚胎肾脏,用剪切的人 腺病毒 5 型 DNA 转染以产生许多重组蛋白。 HEK293 刚开始是由荷兰生物学家 Alex Van der Eb 于 1973 年从人类肾脏细胞中分离出来的。 这些细胞是在女性胎儿的组织培养物中生长的。 后来,Van der Eb 实验室的博士后研究员 Frank Graham 对它们进行了剪切的人类腺病毒 5 型 DNA 转染。 该细胞系之所以被命名为HEK293,是因为这是弗兰克的第293次实验。 将腺病毒基因整合到 HEK 细 …
最全HEK293细胞系汇总:这些HEK293细胞系,您都了解吗? - 知乎
目前,HEK293细胞被广泛用于生产蛋白、疫苗、抗癌试剂及重组 腺病毒 包被等。 HEK293细胞表达系统都有那些优势呢? 1) 转染效率高; 2) 可悬浮培养用于大规模表达; 3) 表达蛋白结构最接近其在人体内构象; 4) HEK293细胞在培养体系中能够快速增长,高密度培养。 5) HEK293细胞与神经元细胞一样,对外界微环境较为敏感,利用这一特点,可用于药物发现及细胞毒性测试。 HEK293细胞系概览. (点我看大图) HEK293细胞,何许人也? 1973年,最原始的HEK293 …
Expression of G protein-coupled receptors and related proteins in ...
G protein coupled receptors (GPCRs) are one of the most widely studied gene superfamilies. Thousands of GPCR research studies have utilized heterologous expression systems such as human embryonic kidney cells (HEK293). Though often treated as 'blank slates', these cell lines nevertheless endogenously express GPCRs and related signaling proteins.
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The purpose of this procedure is to describe how to transfect Human Papillomavirus (HPV) plasmid DNA coding for empty capsid into HEK293TT (293TT) cells to produce virus-like particles (VLPs). 2. SCOPE. 2.1. This procedure applies to the HPV Serology Laboratory. 2.2.
Threat as a determinant of downward comparison - ScienceDirect
JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY SUPPLEMENT 1, 32-39 (1966) Threat as a Determinant of Downward Comparison' KARL L. HAKMILLER University of Ylinnexota The present experiment examined comparison choice under two conditions of threat in which the probable dissimilarity of the available Others from the subjects varied, according to the pre...
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