HELLDIVERS™ 2 on Steam
Join the greatest military force the galaxy has ever seen and make this a safe and free place to live. You will be assembled into squads of up to four Helldivers and assigned strategic missions. Watch each other’s back – friendly fire is an unfortunate certainty of war, but victory without teamwork is impossible.
The Helldivers Wiki
Helldivers is a squad shooter set in a dystopian future where mankind is ruled by a managed democracy. As part of the elite unit called The Helldivers, players must work together to protect Super Earth and defeat the enemies of mankind in an intense intergalactic war. Helldivers 1 was a top down shooter that was released on March 3rd, 2015.
《地狱潜兵2》开年“神作”终极评测 入手指南【联机 无法匹配 武器
《地狱潜者 2 (HELLDIVERS 2)》于 2 月 8 日登陆 PS5 及 PC 平台,本作是一款科幻背景第三人称多人射击游戏,支持跨平台游玩,玩家将作为“绝地潜兵”投身星系战争,以消除外星威胁。 简介:《地狱潜者 2 (HELLDIVERS 2)》于 2 月 8;更多实用攻略教学,爆笑沙雕集锦,你所不知道的游戏知识,热门游戏视频7*24小时持续更新,尽在哔哩哔哩bilibili 视频播放量 139177、弹幕量 571、点赞数 2268、投硬币枚数 725、收藏人数 393、转发人数 1489, 视频作者 诺宝先生, 作 …
HELLDIVERS背景设定解析 - 哔哩哔哩
绝地喷射舱是一种超音速缓震舱,它是一种能以极快的速度划开大气层射入任何地形的自杀式空投装置,只为在降落时把地面炸裂并让里头的英雄人物豪迈登场。 在行星轨道待命的绝地战兵舰队. 当绝地战兵前去执行任务时,会有一整支舰队、成群的战斗机、炮兵会在后台待命。 大量的多元化装备会为战兵提供各种截然不同的战术。 被前线记者评为最为“人道主义”的兵种。 超级地球联邦. “主权、自由、繁荣——我们在宇宙中所绽放的光芒” 超级地球——我们的故乡。 繁荣、自由 …
Helldivers 2 - The Helldivers Wiki
Join forces with up to three friends and wreak havoc on an alien scourge threatening the safety of your home planet, Super Earth, in this multiplayer co-op shooter for PS5 and PC from Arrowhead Game Studios.
Helldivers 2 - Wikipedia
Helldivers 2 is a 2024 cooperative third-person shooter game developed by Arrowhead Game Studios and published by Sony Interactive Entertainment for the PlayStation 5 and Windows. The game is the direct sequel to Helldivers (2015).
Helldivers Wiki - Fandom
Helldivers Wiki is an online database, made by players for players, documenting all Helldivers 2 content while keeping and maintaining informational glory of its predecessor.
Helldivers 2 - Helldivers Wiki
Join forces with up to three friends and wreak havoc on an alien scourge threatening the safety of your home planet, Super Earth, in this multiplayer co-op shooter for PS5 and PC from Arrowhead Game Studios.
《HELLDIVERS》游戏测评—我是怎么被吸引成为一名披风怪的 | 机 …
《Helldivers》(《地狱潜兵》),是一款多人合作类、俯视角第三人称、多人同屏射击类游戏,从2015年在steam上线以来至今已经有8年的时间了,虽然运营商 Arrowhead Game Studio ,也就是我们常说的箭头公司已经摆烂不更新很多年了,但这个多人合作游戏的核心玩法在我看来放在今天依旧是久玩不腻的。 在游戏中作为超级地球的精英部队——地狱潜兵,你将为了超级地球的理念投身到一场银河激战中,与疯狂扩张并企图将人类消灭殆尽的虫族、可怖暴力将自己改造得不成 …
HELLDIVERS™是一款由Magicka的制作团队开发、使用双操作杆游玩的协力式射击游戏,极具挑战性且耐玩度高。 玩者将成为菁英部队「绝地战兵」的一分子,与其他玩者并肩作战,投身 银河 激战中保护 超级地球,打倒人类的敌人。 [1] 《地狱潜者2》 2023年登陆PC/PS5 [2] ・ 包括扩充内容Masters Of The Galaxy丶Turning Up The Heat和Democracy Strikes Back。 ・ 在 STEAM 上可最多四人离线及在线协力游玩。 ・ 随时可向友军开火-「一不小心」就会射死队友。 ・ 在 …