Local Energy Gap Opening Induced by Hemin Dimerization in …
2015年1月28日 · The local electronic structure of the hemin Fe center has been investigated by X-ray absorption and emission spectroscopy (XAS/XES) for hemin in aqueous solution where hemin dimerization occurs. The XAS and XES spectra of the hemin dimer were then compared with those of the hemin monomer we previously studied in dimethyl sulfoxide solution.
X-ray absorption/emission spectroscopy (XAS/XES) at the N K-edge of iron protoporphyrin IX chloride (FePPIX-Cl, or hemin) has been carried out for dissolved monomers in DMSO, dimers in water and for the solid state. This sequence of samples permits identification of characteristic spectral features associated with the hemin
Recent Advances in the Design and Sensing Applications of Hemin ...
2020年11月20日 · X-ray absorption/emission spectroscopy (XAS/XES) The bonding between Fe and all N atoms of the pyrroles was similar with/without dimerization. The peaks of the XE spectra for hemin were narrower in NaOH than in DMSO relate to the higher degree of orbital localization once hemin forms a dimer.
Intermolecular bonding of hemin in solution and in solid state …
2015年10月6日 · X-ray absorption/emission spectroscopy (XAS/XES) at the N K-edge of iron protoporphyrin IX chloride (FePPIX-Cl, or hemin) has been carried out for dissolved monomers in DMSO, dimers in water and for the solid state. This sequence of samples permits identification of characteristic spectral features associated with the hemin intermolecular bonding.
Electronic Structure of Hemin in Solution Studied by Resonant X …
2014年7月28日 · The local electronic structure of the hemin Fe center has been investigated by X-ray absorption and emission spectroscopy (XAS/XES) for hemin in aqueous solution where hemin dimerization...
Local energy gap opening induced by hemin dimerization in
2015年2月19日 · The local electronic structure of the hemin Fe center has been investigated by X-ray absorption and emission spectroscopy (XAS/XES) for hemin in aqueous solution where hemin dimerization occurs. The XAS and XES spectra of the hemin dimer were then compared with those of the hemin monomer we previous …
科研干货 | 同步辐射X射线吸收(XAS): 基本原理、数据分析及电化学 …
X射线吸收谱学 (XAS)的发展的非常迅速,在物质结构表征(比如原子结构,电子结构),还有物理化学性能方面的解释,(如单原子催化剂位点研究,原位测试等等)都发挥着越来越重要的作用。 其中最主要的原因,也是归于同步辐射光源的建造和发展。 那么,什么是同步辐射? 什么是X射线呢? 他们之间的关系是什么呢。 X射线又叫做伦琴射线,是一种电磁波,波长约为0.01nm~10nm之间,能量范围大概是100eV~100keV。 如下图1所示。 他们的的波长就类似 …
XAS(同步辐射精细吸收谱)在表征活性位点中的应用 - 知乎
XAS(synchrotron X-ray absorption spectroscopy)以X射线光子能量作为变量,测定材料的X射线吸收系数。 每个吸收边与材料中存在的特定原子有关,更具体地说,与将特定原子核轨道电子激发到自由或未占据的连续谱水平(轨道的电离)的量子力学转变有关。
(PDF) Hemin Bonding Studied by N K-edge Spectroscopy
X-ray absorption/emission spectroscopy (XAS/XES) at the N K-edge of iron protoporphyrin IX chloride (FePPIX-Cl, or hemin) has been carried out for dissolved monomers in DMSO, dimers in water and for the solid state. This sequence of samples permits identification of characteristic spectral features associated with the hemin intermolecular bonding.
Towards an ab initio theory for metal L-edge soft X-ray …
2016年8月30日 · The XAS (Fig. 3(a)) shows a distinct sensitivity in the L 3-edge with respect to the ligand's nature. For [Heme B–H 2 O] + a splitting of this peak in two components at 710.0 eV and 710.9 eV can be observed and for [Heme B–DMSO] + the lower energy feature appears as a shoulder at 710.1 eV.