Capacitive Coupling Study of the HERD SCD Prototype: …
The silicon charge detector (SCD) is a subdetector of the high-energy cosmic radiation detection (HERD) payload. The dynamic range of the silicon microstrip detector can be extended by the capacitive coupling effect, which is related to the interstrip capacitance and the …
The High Energy cosmic-Radiation Detection (HERD) facility will be installed on the Chinese Space station in 2027 It will search for signatures of DM particles and study the CRs knee up to the PeV
The Silicon Charge Detector of the High Energy Cosmic Radiation ...
2024年3月19日 · A key detector in HERD is the Silicon Charge Detector (SCD). SCD measures the charge of particles before interaction with other materials, minimizing cosmic rays nuclei fragmentation and reducing systematics on nuclei flux measurement.
A novel charge reconstruction algorithm applied to the HERD …
2024年7月1日 · The silicon charge detector (SCD) is one of the subdetectors of HERD, measuring the charge and trajectory of incident ions. An ion beam test of the SCD prototype was conducted at CERN in 2022. A novel charge reconstruction algorithm based on the capacitive coupling was developed to study the charge resolution of the SCD prototype, and compared ...
[2402.17271] Capacitive coupling study of the HERD SCD …
2024年2月27日 · The Silicon Charge Detector (SCD) is a subdetector of the High Energy Cosmic Radiation Detection payload. The dynamic range of the silicon microstrip detector can be extended by the capacitive coupling effect, which is related to the interstrip capacitance and the coupling capacitance.
Latest advancements of the HERD space mission - ScienceDirect
2023年3月1日 · HERD is an upcoming space-borne detector to be installed on-board the Chinese Space Station (CSS) around 2027, with an approximate lifetime of 10 years. Main scientific objectives regarding this initiative reside in the fields of Galactic Cosmic Ray physics, high-energy gamma-ray astronomy and (indirect) Dark Matter searches.
The Silicon Charge Detector of the High Energy Cosmic Radiation ...
2023年8月8日 · The SCD is the outermost detector in the HERD system. This choice allow s for the minimization of the amount of cosmic ray nuclei misidentified due to fragmentation processes...
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The baseline design consists of a 3-D cubic imaging calorimeter (CALO) surrounded on its top and four lateral sides by three other detectors: first the scintillating FIber Tracker (FIT), then the Plastic Scintillator Detector (PSD) and finally the Silicon Charge Detector (SCD); an additional Transition Radiation Detector (TRD) will be placed on ...
The electronic design of SCD is inherited from the Silicon Tungsten Tracker of the Dark Matter Explorer (DAMPE), whose linear dynamic range can only directly measure the signal of Z = 1 ∼ 6. The SCD is proposed to increase the dynamic range to measure the signal of Z = 1 ∼ 28 by enhancing the capacitive coupling effect. The small signals
高能宇宙辐射探测设施(herd)是中国空间站未来的重要实验载荷。 HERD主要科学目标为暗物质的 搜寻、原初宇宙射线各成分能谱的精细测量以及伽玛射线巡天观测。