Heroes of Might and Magic® 4: Complete - GOG.com
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Heroes of Might and Magic IV
Heroes of Might and Magic IV is a turn-based strategy game developed by New World Computing and published by the 3DO Company for Microsoft Windows-based personal computers and Mac OS in 2002. An Apple Macintosh port was subsequently developed by Contraband Entertainment and released by the 3DO...
魔法门之英雄无敌Ⅳ - 百度百科
《魔法门之英雄无敌IV》(英语:Heroes of Might and Magic IV,通称英雄无敌4,英文缩写HoMM4)是一款由New World Computing制作,由3DO公司于2002年发布的一款回合制策略游戏。它是《魔法门之英雄无敌》系列游戏的第四代作品。
Hero Classes - Heroes of Might and Magic IV / Heroes 4
In Heroes of Might and Magic 4, hero classes are determined by the dominant primary skills a hero posesses. Starting hero classes give no special bonuses to the hero, but upon learning an additional skill and attaining an advanced class, hero gains a special bonus.
Heroes of Might and Magic IV - GameSpot
2002年3月28日 · Heroes IV, Might and Magic IX go gold. 3DO's upcoming turn-based strategy game and the latest game in its fantasy role-playing series are complete and will ship to stores later this month.
- 8.1/10
Heroes of Might and Magic IV – Guide and Walkthrough
2002年5月24日 · Lysander, Proetho, and the best two other heroes (max level 18) Walkthrough: You start out with three towns and three heroes. Each town has units garrisoned in it, plus units available to be...
魔法门系列之英雄无敌4 Heroes of Might and Magic IV - 游侠网
【游侠导读】经过一段拖延之后,《魔法门之英雄无敌6:黑暗之影(Might and Magic Heroes 6: Shades of Darkness)》这部独立资料片总算上线了。 05-02 新闻 《英雄无敌6:黑暗之影》天使“贝尔克斯”介绍
Heroes of Might and Magic IV / Heroes 4 - Age of Heroes
2015年10月31日 · Heroes no longer have attack, defence, spell power and knowledge. Instead they learn primary skills, and then secondary sub-skills. There is great variety of skills that can turn your hero into a powerful battlefield unit, a great mage, a thief who can sneak past creatures on the adventure map, a governor that increases income and population, a ...
Heroes of Might and Magic IV - PC - GameSpy
2002年3月29日 · Heroes of Might and Magic IV PC at GameSpy - Check out the latest Heroes of Might and Magic IV cheats, cheat codes, walkthroughs, guides, videos and more!
Heroes of Might and Magic IV / Heroes 4 - Age of Heroes
Heroes can be killed in combat. Towns can resurrect them. The enemy can capture defeated heroes and hold them imprisoned. You will then need to capture their town to rescue your hero. Heroes no longer have attack, defence, spell power and knowledge. Instead they learn primary skills, and then secondary sub-skills.