HERO System Basics - HERO Games
HERO System Basics Q: What is the HERO System? A: The HERO System is Hero Games's award-winning roleplaying game system.
DC HEROES RPG - General Roleplaying - HERO Games
2023年3月3日 · Since DC Comics reprinted both dc heroes 1st edition rpg watchmen adventure modules,and the dc heroes 2nd edition wacthmen sourcebook in the watchmen compainion collected edition, Will dc comics ever do a fourth edition of the DC Heroes role-playing game?
DC and Marvel Sample Heroes 2.0.0 - HERO Games
2020年4月12日 · A selection of DC and Marvel heroes created in Hero Designer and laid on a simple RTF character sheet with a lot of the technical text edited out to make it simpler to read but also to have a character sheet of a single page (except for Batman. Because he's Batman). The sheet uses Calibri Light font. Section titles are size 10, capitalized ...
"Old School" Superhero RPG Experiences...Guardians....Villains ...
2021年4月20日 · There was an mini rpg called Crimefighters, which IIRC originally appeared in an issue of Dragon magazine. One of my friends made a lot of modifications, so we played that a lot. Despite me playing a Batman-type character, the OCs were closer to powerful heroes than low-powered superheroes in the power scale.
DC COMICS ROLE-PLAYING GAME - General Roleplaying - HERO …
2022年9月4日 · What happened to the old DC Heroes rpg? I didn't have the game itself, but I have the Batman rpg, which is a variation of the system. It went out of print, then got bought by Pulsar games, who turned it into Blood of Heroes and replaced the …
News - HERO Games
All the HERO 4E content you could need in three bundles! Starting with the Champions 4E Essentials Bundle, containing nearly thirty tabletop roleplaying .PDF rulebooks, supplements, and adventures from the nigh-legendary Fourth Edition (1989-2001) of Champions, The Super Roleplaying Game, including The Big Blue Book.
Forgotten Golden Age heroes - Champions - HERO Games
2004年9月18日 · no, I've found my copy, it was called "The World at War" and was published in 1991, it was a sourcebook for the DC Heroes RPG by Mayfair games. It included all of the WW2 Heroes and Villians, including the Golden Age Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman, as well as the War Comics Heroes such as Sgt Rock and Easy Company, The Black Hawks, etc.
Converting DC to Hero - Champions - HERO Games
2004年8月21日 · Personally,I preferred the Mayfair DC Heroes RPG to the West End DC Universe RPG,as it seemed to better fit the genre. I'm including a pdf with this message with some notes for converting from MEGS (the name the Mayfair DC Heroes RPG was given after it lost the DC gaming license) to the Hero System.Hope they help.
Intro to the HERO System
2013年11月27日 · A three-page PDF introduction to the HERO System. It contains a summary of the basic rules needed to play, and makes a good handout/reference for newcomers to the system.
Champions - HERO Games
2017年3月15日 · In it, the heroes are members of the Justice Foundation superhero team and have to be, at least, 16-years-old. Paragon has passed away, as has Benjamin Morgan. The heroes have two aircraft, the second-generation Turbojet, …