Hepatitis E virus egress depends on the exosomal pathway, with ...
Our previous studies indicated that hepatitis E virus (HEV) forms membrane-associated particles in the cytoplasm, most likely by budding into intracellular vesicles, and requires the multivesicular body (MVB) pathway to release virus particles, and the released HEV particles with a lipid membrane re …
Role of Envelopment in the HEV Life Cycle - PMC - National …
2016年8月18日 · This interaction likely promotes the budding of newly assembled HEV virions into multivesicular bodies (MVB). If so, the enveloped viral particle in the MVB would likely be released from the cell upon fusion of the MVB membrane with the plasma membrane ( Figure 1 ).
Palmitoylation-dependent association with Annexin II directs
2024年12月30日 · In this study, we report that HEV ORF3 can be self-secreted into vesicles and identify Annexin II (ANXA2) as crucial for efficient ORF3 self-secretion and quasi-enveloped virion formation.
The membrane on the surface of hepatitis E virus particles is …
Our previous studies demonstrated that hepatitis E virus (HEV) requires the multivesicular body (MVB) pathway to release virus particles, suggesting that HEV utilizes the cellular ESCRT machinery in the cytoplasm, not at the cell surface, to be released from infected cells. In this study, we generat …
The membrane on the surface of hepatitis E virus particles is …
2013年11月13日 · Our previous studies demonstrated that hepatitis E virus (HEV) requires the multivesicular body (MVB) pathway to release virus particles, suggesting that HEV utilizes the cellular ESCRT machinery in the cytoplasm, not at the cell surface, to …
Tumour susceptibility gene 101 and the vacuolar protein ... - PubMed
To examine whether HEV utilizes the multivesicular body (MVB) pathway to release the virus particles, we analysed the efficiency of virion release from cells upon introduction of small interfering RNA (siRNA) against Tsg101 or dominant-negative (DN) mutants of …
Culture systems for hepatitis E virus - PMC
The ORF3 protein interacts with the tumor susceptibility gene 101, a critical cellular protein required for the budding of enveloped viruses, through the Pro, Ser, Ala, and Pro (PSAP) motif in infected cells; ORF3 is co-localized with multivesicular bodies (MVBs) in the cytoplasm of infected cells, thus suggesting that HEV requires the MVB ...
Hepatitis E Virus: What More Do We Need to Know? - PMC
Hepatitis E virus (HEV) infection is typically a self-limiting, acute illness that spreads through the gastrointestinal tract but replicates in the liver. However, chronic infections are possible in immunocompromised individuals. The HEV virion has ...
病 毒 包 膜 在HEV生命周期中的作用_临床实验室_期刊文章_检验视 …
hev包膜:一种新型非胞溶性病毒释放和免疫逃避机制. hev最初从患者粪便中分离出来,通过免疫电子显微镜目测被分为无包膜粒子。这种病毒粒子的直径为27-34nm并具有20面体的形态。衣壳结构类似于杯状病毒,因为hev最初被误分类为杯状病毒科成员。
Hijacking host extracellular vesicle machinery by hepatotropic …
2024年10月5日 · This type of HEV was found to utilize the ESCRT and MVB pathways to release eHEV particles, as evidenced by silencing or loss-of-function of TSG101, VPS4A and VPS4B . Additionally, it was subsequently found that a significant reduction in extracellular eHEV upon treatment with nSMase2 inhibitor GW4869 for the ceramide-triggered exosomal pathway ...