The Hexayurt Project: Free Hardware housing for the world
We now have 13 hexayurt models which have been built and tested and are suitable for a variety of purposes. The shelters share a common feature: they can be made from standard industrial 4'x8' (1.2m x 2.4m) panels from materials like plastic, polyiso insulation, plywood, OSB, sandwich panels and cardboard.
Hexayurt Project - incredibly cheap shelter for those in need
The hexayurt shelter can cost less than a relief tent, is designed to be manufactured anywhere in the world at any scale, from local materials, as Free hardware, to house humans in need. The Hexayurt Project maintains the designs and makes them freely available to you.
Hexayurt Country: The Hexayurt Project plan for relief and ...
There's a Hexayurt Country analog of that system, and it's called count the dead, take pictures so you know who they were, and try to get a cause of death indicator in the picture. From that data, draw accurate mortality maps, and use those maps to prioritize getting people what they need.
The Gupta Option - Superstruct - hexayurt.com
The IFOF Superstruct Alternate Reality Game and The Hexayurt Project real world responses to these threats. 2019. Main site: The Gupta Option 2019 Blog; The Hexayurt Project itself. Jimminy crickets, what am I doing to reality here? Superstruct Report 1 - Generation Exile video from DCAR, the Refugee State