Hey, cous. ( cuz ) - WordReference Forums
2010年4月27日 · Make it 7. There are 5 of us cousins who are the same age, within a few months (2 male and 3 female). We are all well educated (except for the two lawyers, I don't what they are). We have, since childhood, used cuz. Yes, we use first names but cuz fits so many situations. Casual email, a greeting after a prolonged absence (as in "hey cuz !)
Hey, cuz it's sweet ants swarm to it. | WordReference Forums
2013年11月28日 · - Hey, cuz it's sweet ants swarm to it. (Y el jefe, al oír esto, le da la razón...) No capto el significado de "sweets" en la primera frase... en cuanto a la segunda, creo que tiene algo que ver con "la miel atrae a las hormigas" o alguna frase hecha por el estilo..
Cousin, Abbreviation - WordReference Forums
2008年2月24日 · Hey I Just Want To Know Which Is The Abbreviation For Cousin, Im Living In Usa, And I Have Listened Before Coz Or Cuz Or Cous... I Don't Know, Instead Of Cousin
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Here you are , here you go and here it is - WordReference Forums
2014年4月11日 · Hi baran 20. These phrases are often used in English when someone gives you or brings you something you asked for, for example, a waiter brings the food you ordered, but note that (in BE at least) it's not "here you go" in this specific context, but "there you go".
can't have done/couldn't have done | WordReference Forums
2011年2月2日 · Hello! I feel quite confused about the difference between these two sentences: 1.She can't have done it. 2.She couldn't have done it. It seems to me that both have the same meaning, that is, that I believe (or I would like to believe it, but I am beginning to doubt...) that she didn't do it. The...
comma with salutation (informal letter): Hey, Frank vs. Hey Frank
2007年12月10日 · I would always set off an exclamation such as "hey" or "hi" from a name with a comma, so in this case--which is obviously not a formal letter--I would write: "Hey, Frank," In the case of "Dear Sir:" on the other hand, the "dear" is an adjective modifying the title being used for …
calling someone "hey" when texting or posting: polite?
2010年1月17日 · However, the main problem with using hey as a greeting in print is that you cannot distinguish different inflections of the word. In my experience, there is a modern use of hey which did not exist when I was young and which, far from being rude, is the equivalent of showing respect to a person, including a stranger. It functions similarly to a ...
'coz - WordReference Forums
2005年1月18日 · hi everybody, just one quick question: is the word 'coz just an informal way to say "because" or it is also a form that shows the impoliteness of the person who pronouces this word? thanks!:)
Okey mackey - WordReference Forums
2017年8月28日 · Es imposible saberlo. La versión mexicana “okey maguey” aparece en un libro de 1975, pero un libro de 1976 la menciona como mexicanismo y eso hace pensar que es más antigua.