Govinda Hare Gopala Hare Hey Gopi Gopa Bala I Baba Sings - YouTube
Lyrics:Govinda Hare Gopala Hare Hey Gopi Gopa BalaGovinda Hare Gopala Hare Hey Murali Gana LolaGovinda Hare Gopala Hare Hey Radha Ramana Lola Govinda Hare Go...
Hey Gopal Krishna Karu Aarti Teri Full Song Gopi Bahu Aarti Song ...
♪SONG CREDITS♪#HeyGopalKrishnaKaruAartiTeri #GopiAartiShow : Saath Nibhaana SaathiyaSong : Hey Gopal Krishna Karu Aarti TeriAlbum : Shree Krishna SongsSinger...
Sai Discourse :: -Audio Clips
Govinda Harey, Gopala Harey, Hey Gopi Gopa Bala Govinda Harey, Gopala Harey, Hey Murali Gana Lola Govinda Harey, Gopala Harey, Hey Radha Ramana Lola Govinda Harey, Gopala Harey, Hey Nanda Gopa Bala Chant the Name of Lord Govinda and Gopala, Who is the friend of the Gopi and Gopa (devotees), Who plays enchanting music on His Flute, Who is the beloved Lord of Radha, and who is the loving Prince ...
Govinda Hare Gopala Hare - Sung by Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba
2017年3月2日 · Govinda Harey, Gopala Harey, Hey Gopi Gopa Bala Govinda Harey, Gopala Harey, Hey Murali Gana Lola Govinda Harey, Gopala Harey, Hey Radha Ramana Lola Govinda Harey, Gopala Harey, Hey Nanda Gopa Bala Meaning Chant the Name of Lord Govinda and Gopala, Who is the friend of the Gopi and Gopa (devotees), Who plays enchanting music on His Flute, Who is the beloved Lord of Radha, and who is the loving ...
Govinda Harey Gopala Harey Hey | Sai Rhythms - Sathya Sai
Govinda Harey Gopala Harey Hey Glory to Lord Govinda and Gopala (names of Krishna), the one who enchants with His flute, the one who is the Lord of Radha and the one who is the son of Nanda. Translate Meaning:
SSSGC - Songs
Govinda Harey Gopala Harey Hey Gopi Gopa Bala ... Govinda Harey Gopala Harey Hey Radha Ramana Lola Govinda Harey Gopala Harey Hey Nanda Gopa Bala Meaning Glory to Lord Govinda and Gopala The one who enchants with his flute The one who is the consort of Radha and the one who is the son of Nanda. ...
Govinda Hare Lyrics - Krishna Das
GOVINDA HARE LYRICS by KRISHNA DAS: Govinda hare, Gopaala hare / He Prabhu deena dayaala hare / ...
Govinda Hare - Sri Sathya Sai Balvikas
This is a bhajan in praise of Lord Krishna. He is Govinda, Gopala, child of cowherds (Gopi Gopa Bala), the Divine flute player (Murali Gaana Lola), dweller of Radha’s heart (Radha Hrudaya Lola), Cowherd Nanda’s son (Nanda Gopa Bala) name of Lord Krishna which means ‘He who tends the cows’. Means Protector of all beings.
2021年2月5日 · Govinda Hare Gopala Hare Hey Gopi Gopa Bala; Govinda Hare Gopala Hare Hey Murali Gaana Lola; Govinda Hare Gopala Hare Hey Radha Hridaya lola; Govinda Hare Gopala Hare Hey Nanda Gopa Bala; Meaning. Oh Govinda, Gopala the cowherd boy, The one who plays on the flute melodiously, The one is dear to the heart of Radha, And the one who is …
Govinda Hare Gopala Hare Hey Gopi Gopa Bala
Lyrics: Govinda Hare Gopala Hare Hey Gopi Gopa Bala Govinda Hare Gopala Hare Hey Murali Gana Lola Govinda Hare Gopala Hare Hey Radha Ramana Lola Govinda Hare Gopala Hare Hey Murali Gana Lola Meaning: Lord Hari is the destroyer of illusion.