Hey Ya! - JoJo's Bizarre Wiki | Fandom
In Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, Hey Ya! is Pocoloco's Stand with the unique ability to boost its user's confidence through verbal encouragement. It is suggested that Hey Ya! may possess a form of prophetic vision, given the accuracy of its advice.
Hey Ya! - JoJo's Bizarre Encyclopedia - JoJo Wiki
2024年10月5日 · Hey Ya! (ヘイ・ヤー, Hei Yā) is the Stand of Pocoloco, featured in the seventh part of the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure series, Steel Ball Run. Gripping Pocoloco from the back, this dwarfish Stand encourages and advises its user through any hardship.
JOJO - 萌娘百科 万物皆可萌的百科全书
JoJo ————《JOJO的奇妙冒险》中特定角色(多为主角)的简称。 详细请参见 乔斯达家族。 JOJO (老爹餐厅系列) ————《老爹餐厅系列》的登场角色,是一位美食评论家。 JOJO (超级宝贝JOJO) ————《超级宝贝JOJO》的登场角色,又叫“ 赳赳 ”。 魔人啾啾 (Mojo Jojo)————《飞天小女警》的登场角色。 巴特·辛普森 ————《辛普森一家》的登场角色,中间名为JoJo(全名:巴塞洛缪·约约·“巴特”·辛普森;英文:Bartholomew JoJo "Bart" …
What were Hey Ya's powers? : r/StardustCrusaders - Reddit
At the very least, Hey Ya is a stand that cheers you on and tries to boost your confidence. So it basically doesn't have any powers and is just a pleasant version of Cheap Trick. It also doesn't kill you. I think it may be almost like Paisley Park, in that …
Hey Ya's actual power : r/StardustCrusaders - Reddit
2019年3月20日 · Hey Ya is the little encouraging voice in his ear that he needs in these moments, someone to convince him to let go of his doubts and continue forward. Basically, Hey Ya is the personification of the blind faith he needs to take full advantage of his luck.
Hey Ya! | Wiki | Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Br Amino - Amino Apps
Hey Ya! é um stand mais ou menos humanóide. Sua cabeça tem a forma de um balde virado de cabeça pra baixo com três círculos no topo, e olhos mal formados de tamanhos desiguais. Ele "veste" uma coroa de pequenos cilindros com fios parecidos com colares saindo deles, seus lábios são perfurados por uma linha de pregos verdes.
轰炸空间 - 百度百科
轰炸空间,日本漫画《jojo的奇妙冒险:不灭钻石》及其衍生作品中的替身,虹村亿泰的替身,属于近距离力量型替身,拥有削除空间的能力。 名字来源和四部大部分替身一样,都是来自乐队。
Hey! Ya! - JoJo's Bizarre Encyclopedia - JoJo Wiki
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Part 6--Stone Ocean, Vol. 9 (9) This page was last edited on 30 December 2023, at 00:53. Content is available under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike unless otherwise noted.
JoJo的奇妙冒险中文维基 - 灰机wiki - 北京嘉闻杰诺网络科技有限 …
《JOJO的奇妙冒险》 (日文: ジョジョの奇妙な冒険? ;英文:JoJo's Bizarre Adventure) 是由荒木飞吕彦创作的一系列漫画,讲述了乔斯达家族每代的故事。 其伴有动画、游戏、小说等衍生作品。
Could “Hey Ya” be the strongest stand in JoJo ? (Theory)
2021年12月31日 · No, Hey Ya has no power, it only speaks encouraging words. From the jojoveller stand guide: “A Stand that only gives Pocoloco more courage, right? It doesn't really do anything. It doesn't make you lucky, but it can help you feel more optimistic.” Huh. I remember the quote leaving it more of a question than that.