Rosehip Extract Inhibits Lipid Accumulation in White Adipose …
We also analyzed the inhibitory effect of RHE on white adipose tissue (WAT) in high-fat diet (HFD)-induced obesity mice model. Male C57BL/6J mice were fed HFD or HFD supplemented with 1% RHE (HFDRH) for 8 weeks. The HFDRH-fed group gained less body weight and had less visceral fat than the HFD-fed group.
Effect of RHE on body weight, hepatic weight, and hep- atic lipid ...
... examine the an- ti-obesity effect of RHE, the C57BL/6J mice were fed HFD or HFDRH for 8 weeks. At the end of the ex- perimental period, the body weight of mice in the HFDRH group was...
Rosehip Extract Inhibits Lipid Accumulation in White Adipose …
2013年6月30日 · A significant reduction in the expression of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPAR<TEX>${\gamma}$</TEX>) was observed in epididymal fat in the HFDRH-fed group, in comparison with controls, through Western blotting.
Metabolic profiles, bioactive compounds and antioxidant activity …
2023年1月7日 · Male C57BL/6J mice were fed HFD or HFD supplemented with 1% RHE (HFDRH) for 8 weeks. The HFDRH-fed group gained less body weight and had less visceral fat than the HFD-fed group.
Recent research show that L. supplemented with 1% RHE (HFDRH) …
2024年11月21日 · Recent research show that L. supplemented with 1% RHE (HFDRH) for eight weeks. The HFDRH-fed group obtained less bodyweight and had much less visceral unwanted fat compared to the HFD-fed group. Liver organ weight was considerably low in the HFDRH-fed group and total hepatic lipid and triglyceride (TG) content material was also decreased.
(PDF) Rosehip Extract Inhibits Lipid Accumulation in White Adipose ...
2013年6月1日 · Male C57BL/6J mice were fed HFD or HFD supplemented with 1% RHE (HFDRH) for 8 weeks. The HFDRH-fed group gained less body weight and had less visceral fat than the HFD-fed group. Liver weight...
ISO 12922-2020 H组 液压油 HFAE、HFAS、HFB、HFC、HFDR …
ISO 6743-4 对液压应用中使用的不同类型的流体进行了分类,在本文档中只详细介绍了以下类别:HFAE、HFAS、HFB、HFC、HFDR和HFDU。 就本文件而言,流体应根据ISO 6743-4进行分类。 它们的选择和使用指南可在ISO 7745和CEN/TR 14489中找到。 后者还包括关于健康和安全要求的信息。 在适用的情况下,按照规定的方法进行测试时,液体应符合表1 (HFAE和HFAS液体)、表2 (HFB和HFC液体)和表3 (HFDR和HFDU液体)中所示的限值。 应注意的是,不同流体类型 …
广州市惠芳日化有限公司也是一家高新技术企业。 公司长期致力于自主创新和自主研发,在护肤品领域取得了重要进展。 以科技驱动,创新引领的理念,公司不断探索前沿科技,在研发、生产和服务上均保持着卓越水平。 公司秉持着追求卓越品质和客户满意度的原则,不断推动行业发展,致力于为客户提供更具竞争力的产品和服务。
Rosehip Extract Inhibits Lipid Accumulation in White Adipose ... - PubMed
We also analyzed the inhibitory effect of RHE on white adipose tissue (WAT) in high-fat diet (HFD)-induced obesity mice model. Male C57BL/6J mice were fed HFD or HFD supplemented with 1% RHE (HFDRH) for 8 weeks. The HFDRH-fed group gained less body weight and had less visceral fat than the HFD-fed group.
2022年12月5日 · HFDR用作难燃液压液已有五十多年历史,主要用于两方面一是用在大型民航客机的液压系统中,二是在接近高温热源或明火附近的高温、高压系统中作为工业难燃液压液。 HFDR的主要缺点:是①价格贵②当有水分混入时,易发生水解,生成磷酸,使金属受到腐蚀③由于有强的溶解能力,与不少非金属材料及密封材料不相容,必须采用氟橡胶 (最优)、丁基橡胶或硅橡胶密封④不能用一般耐油涂料,可采用环氧树脂或酚醛树脂⑤对环境污染严重,有轻度毒 …
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