The HFL series is a harsh and hazardous area floodlight for use in Zone 1,2,21 and 22 areas designed to provide up to 40L with outstanding lumen efficacy and easy installation.
The HFL Series is ideal for museum and retail lighting where a low wattage, high output LED fixture would be required, for wall wash or HFLood light applications.
HFL LED Zone 1 / 21 Floodlights - eaton.com.cn
The Crouse-Hinds series HFL LED is a harsh and hazardous area floodlight for use in Zone 1, 2, 21 and 22 areas designed to provide up to 40,000 lumens with outstanding efficacy and easy installation. Compared with traditional HID floodlights, the HFL LED features high efficacy and long life at high ambient temperatures, combined with a robust ...
INA HFL1426-L564#K轴承尺寸、参数、图纸、价格 - INA轴承型号 …
INA HFL1426-L564#K轴承属于冲压外圈滚子离合器 HFL 系列,带轴承。 前缀列表:【HF:冲压外圈滚针离合器】【L:带轴承配置】。 后缀列表:【-L564:基于抗氧化矿物油和锂钙皂的 Centoplex 1 Dl/2 Dl 低温润滑脂,在正常温度和负载下具有良好的工作阻力,因此可用于长期润滑】【#K:小包装/桶装】。 技术研究 如您是工程师,需要对轴承进行研究、计算、选型等,都可以直接联系我,微信:LZ8592809。 产品咨询 如您对产品有任何需求,包括询价、采买以及替 …
Ultraplan HFL, technical sheet - Mapei
Ultraplan HFL is a high-flow, high-compression-strength, calcium-aluminate-cement-based, self-leveling underlayment. Its unique flow properties allow for easy placement and a super-flat finished surface with minimal effort. Ultraplan HFL’s fast setting time allows for floor-covering installation within 3 hours of placement.
INA HFL0606-KF-R-A-L564#K178轴承尺寸、参数、图纸、价格
2025年3月14日 · INA HFL0606-KF-R-A-L564#K178轴承属于冲压外圈滚子离合器 HFL..-KF-R 系列,带有滑动或滚动轴承,带塑料弹簧及滚花外圈。 前缀列表:【HF:冲压外圈滚针离合器】【L:带轴承配置】。 后缀列表:【-KF:塑料制弹簧】【-R:外径带滚花】【-A:改进的内部结构设计】【-L564:基于抗氧化矿物油和锂钙皂的 Centoplex 1 Dl/2 Dl 低温润滑脂,在正常温度和负载下具有良好的工作阻力,因此可用于长期润滑】【#K178:小工业包装,一箱178套】。 技 …
F70-4K6 - 虚拟现实投影机 - Barco (ZH)
f70-4k6 是一款激光荧光投影仪,具有原生 wqxga 和高达 4k uhd 分辨率。f70系列能够应对仿真和proav市场的特定需要,包括出色的坚固性、更长的使用寿命及锐利的激光画质。不满足这些要求的投影仪使用寿命不长或者需要频繁且昂贵的维护。
HDMI In-Line Signal Booster, 4K @ 60 Hz, Up to 50 ft. | Eaton
This low-profile HDMI booster is designed for use with P568-Series HDMI cables (sold separately). Connect one cable (up to 25 feet) to your source device, such as a Blu-ray player or computer, to transmit a 4K (at 60 Hz) signal. The second cable connects the B122-000-4K6 and the HDMI display device and must be no longer than 25 feet.
- 评论数: 1
H.FL 系列 - 广濑电机集团 [连接器] - HIROSE
SMT Low Profile Small Coaxial Connector. 1. Compact 50Ω Coaxial Connector. 2. Ultra-fine Coaxial (Fluorinated Resin Insulated) Cables. 3. RF Performance (up to 3GHz) 4. Supports Automatic Mounting. 5. Clear, Tactile Lock. 6. RoHS2Compliant. 如果应用需要高度可靠性,例如汽车,请联系公司代表以获取更多信息。 SMT Low Profile Small Coaxial Connector. Small …
HighFocus_Gen2_HFL 03/22 page 1 of 4 Lumec HighFocus LED high mast luminaires provide an energy saving, low-maintenance solution that provides managers and work crews with the
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