What do the subscripts in thermodynamic steam tables mean?
2011年4月17日 · So h g = h f + h fg. If we wish to heat this dry steam further we must add the superheat enthalpy. The superheat enthalpy is the gaseous specific heat C p times the temperature difference, as with any other gas. h s = C p (T s - T f) kJ/kg Where T is in degrees Kelvin. The total enthalpy of the gas is then h = h s + h g Hope this helps go well
Matrix Simplification: A = HG(FHG)^{-1}FG | Step-by-Step Solution
2007年10月25日 · Homework Statement Simplify A = HG(FHG)^{-1}FG Homework Equations None The Attempt at a Solution Well (FHG)^-1 is really just F^-1 H^-1 G^-1... Insights Blog -- Browse All Articles -- Physics Articles Physics Tutorials Physics Guides Physics FAQ Math Articles Math Tutorials Math Guides Math FAQ Education Articles Education Guides Bio/Chem ...
Prov (fgh)' = f'gh + fg'h +fgh' - Physics Forums
2011年1月24日 · I'm not sure if this thoroughly proves the statement (fgh)' = f'gh + fg'h + fgh' because it fails to take into account varying coefficients on terms of varying degree. So I tried again using a similar strategy, this time failing: Let (a,b,c) = three coefficient constants. Let (d,e,f) = three exponential constants.
Explaining Fg = mg: Net Force, Mass and Acceleration - Physics …
2009年9月12日 · hence Fg = mass times acceleration Fg = mass times gravity Fg = mg however Newtons second law states that the net force acting on an object is equal to it's mass times it's acceleration so what allows us to say that Fg = mg because certainly not for every single situation the net force is going to equal to the force of gravity please explain...
I've been stuck on this proof for a while. H being normal in G
2014年11月21日 · For the particular h we are considering hg is an element of Hg (by definition of the set Hg) The equality of the sets Hg and gH implies that hg is also an element of gH. Since hg is an element of gH, it must be expressible as g(h0) for some element h0 in H. (i.e. "there exists an element h0 of H such that hg = gh0 ") So we have hg = gh0.
Comparing $gH$ and $Hg$ for Infinite & Finite Groups - Physics …
2016年11月20日 · I don't have an answer, just an observation. It is possible that given g and h that the h' might generate a subset of H, not all of H. (ie. \(\displaystyle \exists f: H \to H'\) is not an bijection.) In which case \(\displaystyle gH = H'g \subseteq Hg\) in general. I don't know if that helps or not.-Dan
Tension in the thread: Centripetal Force in the Vertical plane
2014年6月2日 · Fc = Ft + Fg Uniform circular motion, in the vertical plane. Fc = net force = centripetal force Ft = force of tension in the string Fg = force of gravity so at the top, with vector addition: Ft = Fc- Fg And if we define 'up' as positive, then should the equation look like-Ft = -(mv^2/r) - (-mg) because all these forces point down (to the centre ...
Proving Equivalence of $g' \in Hg$, $g'g^ {-1} \in H$, and $Hg
2016年3月14日 · Suppose $gg'^{-1} \in H$, say: $gg'^{-1} = h$. Then $g = hg'$. Does it not follow that for any other $h_1 \in H$, that:
Storing Ammonia Phase Diagram Answers - Physics Forums
2008年11月24日 · Okay, I got tried EG and FG already and they are both incorrect. Part D The line between which two points would describe a process of sublimation for ammonia? Express your answer with two letters ordered in the direction of sublimation. Be careful to put the letters in the correct order.
Thermodynamics: Isobaric process finding volume of steam.
2011年11月17日 · yeah Vf is tiny now I have found it got work done to -277.9KJ. for U1 I got 1670.4KJ from using the formula u=uf+x(ug-uf) and for u2 i thought because i know the specific volume look it up in the steam tables it comes to 2734KJ but I …