The low frequency sounder and low frequency sounder strobes were designed to address the NFPA 72 sleeping space requirements that require a low frequency notification appliance that operates within frequency range of 520 Hz ± 10% and is of a square wave tone.
System Sensor HGWL-LF | FireAlarm.com
The System Sensor L-Series offers the most versatile and easy-to-use line of horns, strobes, and horn strobes in the industry with lower current draws and modern aesthetics.
cy sounder/strobe products for wall and ceiling applications. Studies have shown that low frequency audible devices that operate around 520. z are more effective in waking individuals in sleeping areas. These products are electrically backward compatible with the previ.
HGWL-LF - SYSTEM SENSOR - Compact Low - Anixter
SYSTEM SENSOR | HGWL-LF Compact Low Frequency Sounder, Wall Mount, White, 6.6" x 5.3" x 2.6"
System Sensor HGWL-LF-BP10 - Fire Alarm
These devices feature plug-in designs making installations fast and foolproof while virtually eliminating costly and time-consuming ground faults. Installers can also easily adapt devices …
Low Frequency Sounder, SounderStrobes | System Sensor - Notifier
System Sensor low Frequency Sounders and Sounder Strobes meet the NFPA 72®2010/2013 low frequency requirements effective January 1, 2014 for all commercial and certain residential sleeping spaces.
System Sensor HGWL-LF L-Series Indoor Low Frequency Compact …
Rotary switch for High/Low, Temp3, Temp4, and Continuous settings. Sounder-only models also offer a Coded setting.
System Sensor White Low Frenqueney Compact Sounder Model # HGWL-LF. These L-Series low frequency compact wall sounders include a variety of features that increase their application versatility while simplifying installation.
With white and red plastic housings, listed for wall and ceiling mounting, L-Series Low Frequency can meet virtually any application requirement.
HGWL-LF System Sensor - JMAC.COM
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