Anisotropic high-harmonic generation in bulk crystals
2016年11月21日 · We demonstrate strongly anisotropic high-harmonic generation in single-crystal MgO. For a linearly polarized field, the HHG signal is strongly enhanced along the Mg–O, 〈100〉 bonding direction.
High-harmonic generation from solids - Nature Physics
2018年11月19日 · As for HHG in aligned diatomic molecules 44, You et al. 15 found that high harmonics from MgO depend strongly on the orientation of the crystal with respect to the laser field. The efficiency...
Ellipticity dependence of high-harmonic generation in solids ...
2017年9月29日 · The strong ellipticity dependence of high-harmonic generation (HHG) in gases enables numerous experimental techniques that are nowadays routinely used, for instance, to create isolated attosecond...
1. 高次谐波中的阿秒光脉冲:从气体HHG到固体HHG - 知乎
气态HHG 的截止能量明显符合平方率的关系,而固态HHG的截止能量在激光强度高于一定阈值时,突然间跳跃到另一个更高的值(固体Ar的cutoff从大约20 eV 跳跃到35 eV, 而固体Kr则从大约25 eV 跳到33 eV),这既不符合平方率关系,也不符合带内过程的线性率关系。
Dynamic Core Polarization in High Harmonic Generation from Solids: The ...
2021年5月6日 · In this work, we demonstrate the strong field induced dynamic core polarization effect and propose a model for revealing its role in high harmonic generation (HHG) from solids. We show that the polarized core induces an additional polarization current beyond the SAE model based on the frozen cores.
Quantum path interferences and selection in interband solid …
2020年5月12日 · We theoretically investigate the quantum path interferences in interband transitions in solid high-order harmonic generation. The field strength scaling of the 19th harmonic yield from MgO crystal driven by 1600-nm lasers exhibits a sharp minimum. By solving the semiconductor Bloch equation, we separate the short and long trajectories.
固体高次谐波产生、调控及应用 - 物理学报
基于超快强激光与物质相互作用的高次谐波产生 (high-order harmonic generation, HHG)提供了非微扰区光与物质相互作用的研究平台, 同时也是台式化极紫外光源和阿秒脉冲的主要产生途径. 非微扰区固体HHG涉及超快强场物理、凝聚态物理、材料科学和信息科学等领域的核心内容, 自2011年首次在实验中观察到以来, 迅速成为强场物理和阿秒科学的研究前沿. 本综述从一个实验工作者的角度, 总结了固体HHG的研究进展和重要应用. 首先通过对比高次谐波 (high-order harmonic, …
Simulated CEP-dependent HHG spectra for MgO with field
High order harmonic generation (HHG) in semiconductors opens a new frontier in strong field physics and attosecond science. However, the underlying physical mechanisms are...
Neighboring Atom Collisions in Solid-State High Harmonic …
High harmonic generation (HHG) from solids shows great application prospects in compact short-wavelength light sources and as a tool for imaging the dynamics in crystals with subnanometer spatial and attosecond temporal resolution.
Chiral high-harmonic generation and spectroscopy on solid …
2021年6月17日 · In particular, we match a threefold driving field with threefold, fourfold, and sixfold structures of specific crystal cuts of silicon dioxide (quartz) and magnesium oxide (MgO) and find a high...