Hhhhhhh - YouTube
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Yakko's Ultimate "Uhhhhhh" - Compilation - YouTube
Every single Scene with Yakko's famous "Uhhhhhh" reaction in it.Enjoy watching Yakko's ultimate stunning-contest! Animaniacs © Warner Bros.I do not own anyth...
hhhhhh - YouTube
The video titled "hhhhh" on YouTube.
「HHHHHH」是甚麼? | 每日一詞 | 文化精華 | 當代中國
6個「H」,就是「HHHHHH」,直接代表的意思,就是「大笑」、「哈哈哈哈哈哈」的意思。 因為「哈哈哈哈哈哈」這六個字的普通話拼音「ha」都是以「h」做開首,網友為了方便,省去麻煩,乾脆「HHHHHH」代表自己的心情。 除了「HHHHHH」,還有「2333」、「紅紅火火恍恍惚惚」等,都是代表大笑的意思 ...
[Chinese Learning] What is hhhhhhhh/红红火火恍恍惚惚
2018年11月8日 · hhhhh or also known as 红红火火恍恍惚惚 (hóng hóng huo huǒ huǎng huǎng hū hū) This is a common internet slang that you might find while browsing through Chinese Forums or Chinese Weibo or WeChat comments. In Chinese, laughter is usually written as 哈哈哈 and shares the same phonetic sounds as laughter in English (which is Hahaha). This is then abbreviated in Chinese into ...
Hh Hh (hhhhhhffh) - Profile | Pinterest
See what Hh Hh (hhhhhhffh) has discovered on Pinterest, the world's biggest collection of ideas.
Hhhhhhh - Slang Meaning and Examples - FastSlang
The slang term "Hhhhhhh" is a nonsensical and meaningless phrase that has gained popularity among certain online communities. It is often used as an expression of frustration, confusion, or simply as a way to fill the silence in a conversation. Some people use it as a greeting or farewell, while others use it as a way to express excitement or …
Urban Dictionary: hhhhhhh
2019年5月14日 · a wheezing sound that you make over text when expressing distress or excitement or just to respond to someone
#hhhhhhffh - TikTok
hhhhhhffh |1K من المشاهدات. شاهد أحدث فيديوهات حول #hhhhhhffh على TikTok (تيك توك).